I remember hearing these words when I was younger… I remember saying them too.
And they always implied that there was going to be a fight. And, rather than have anything damaged in the house or “other” place the owner would say, “Take it outside!”
I heard someone say this again just the other day… to me.
It was actually said as a response to a question that I had…
“Lord, why does the enemy keep getting in my house and causing so much trouble when I have been fighting against him so hard?”
“Take it outside.” Was His reply.
You see… as the husband and father I am the strong man of my house. But when I “pick a fight” with the devil… engaging in spiritual warfare, not necessarily as a response, but proactively… in my house… I give him entrance.
It is one thing if I discern that he got in and then, with the authority of the name of Jesus, I tell him to leave… this is necessary.
But if I have cast him out… or his footmen, those snakes and scorpions… and then I call him out for a fight we then are in the house.
Legally… and you have to realize that it is always on legal grounds that the devil stands… legally… he can come in because I brought him in to fight. Not realizing it I invited him in. And then I wondered… like a fool… “How does he keep getting in?!?!?”
So… when you want to pick a fight with the devil… when you have a battle you want to fight… when the same ol’ thorn in the flesh just keeps getting infected…
I learned this the hard way. It was humbling. It was painful. I was so gung-ho about kicking the devil’s tail that I actually caused my wife, my daughter, and myself anguish… all thinking I was doing something good.
I wanted so much to enjoy more of the victory that Jesus has won for us I forgot that Jesus has already won it for us.
I thank God for my weakness… for it just continues to show His greatness.
Thank God that He loves us. Thank God that He is long suffering. And thank God that in Him we can claim victory.
Let your house be a house of rest, and a house where the presence of the Lord dwells. And don’t go inviting in the enemy… even if by accident.
Take a walk… tear down the strongholds… outside! And then come in to enjoy the peace and victory that He gave His life for you to abide in.
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