On Tuesday, April 12th, 2011 the Lord gave me a word for the Church in NJ.
Why does the land seem so barren and the Church not filled with the Spirit? It is because you sold the land that I had given you. From 30 years ago, and 15 years ago the land that I had given you… land that was your inheritance… land that had tapped into the River… was sold off for gain. Roots were drawn up. And the pipes of the wells began to run dry. When the pipes began to run out the first of the recessions happened. When the pipes ran out completely the second.
Say not that the land is barren and the Church not filled. For what is Mine is always Mine. And the River still flows. And a new generation that moved into the land, and have sought Me… to them I have given the land. A land that has beneath it a Great and Mighty River. The River of Life.
And they began to dig wells, and began to take root.
Persevere for a revival is coming. Fruit, even summer fruit will be seen again. Deep roots, strong roots have broken through and a new generation is brought forth. The well of Life, even the Holy Spirit will be drawn from continually. I will prove Myself to you, even all those who are thirsty and come.
It will be a time for the pipes to poor forth and the roots to draw up to the trunk and the branches of the trees.
But I have not forgotten you. And I have heard your cry. And to span the distance from the River to the tips of the trees... I HAVE GIVEN YOU BRIDGE WATER.