And then He put the following on my verses on my heart.
“But he that
prophesieth speaketh unto men [to] edification, and exhortation (paraklēsis), and comfort.” 1
Corinthians 14:3
“All scripture [is]
given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction (epanorthōsis), for
instruction in righteousness:” 2 Timothy 3:16
When I speak about 1 Corinthians 14:3 I say that to me it
translates into saying that those who speak on behalf of God (prophesy) reflect
his direction, correction, and affection.
He knows that is how I read it… and so that is why He used
it to speak to my heart.
As Christians we do not stand if we do not stand corrected.
Because correction in the kingdom of God is not like the
correction men express.
It is not about telling you that you are wrong, that you
screwed up, that you need to do something different. It is not about shining a light on your
It is about sharing your strength.
We are co-labourers, and co-heirs with Christ.
“Co” means together.
We are not simply told what we have done wrong and left to
go our own…
We are not simply propped up and left to stand on our own…
“lo, I am with you
alway, [even] unto the end of the world.” Matt 28:20
We are co-rrected…
We are lifted to stand… and held up by His strength.
We are co-rrected…
We are not only told what we must do… but we are shown what we must do.
Christ is our strength.
He is our example. He doesn’t
tell us what we must do and leave us… He does it through us.
God’s co-rrection is necessary for a Christian stand at all.
Because we were never meant to stand alone.
God doesn’t bring
correction He offers correction. He says, “I love you. There is somewhere I want you to go…
something I want you to do… someone I want you to be… And I will be there with
you, always.”
Be for your brothers in Christ what Christ is for you… one
who is willing to take the walk with you.