Where was I?
Oh yeah, I remember.
One of the techniques for increased success in weightlifting is to
change up your routine. It keeps your
muscles from getting used to what is expected and not growing. Like when you have a job that requires you
are on your feet all day… walking… getting up and down from your chair… and
yet, with all that exercise you still gain weight.
But I was recently exposed to a new term… “time under load.” In short it is this… the amount of weight
doesn’t matter as long as your hold it long enough to reach to maximum time under load before failure (reaching the limit, when the muscle
gives out)
It is the ultimate trick of the muscle… but there is a
tremendous benefit. One that became
obvious to me when I saw a clip from the Olympics where a power-lifter
dislocated his wrist.
If you use a light enough weight for a long enough time only the muscle will fail. You don’t risk bones breaking or tendons or
muscles tearing because they need a maximum
peak load in a short time frame.
“but God [is]
faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted (tested) above that ye are able;”
1 Corinthians 10:15
I’ll cut to the chase… all other obvious weightlifting
analogies aside… if you have ever wondered why God would allow things to go on
longer than you think they should… if you questioned the “hard times” or asked
“How long oh Lord,
will You have me carrying this?!?!?!”…
consider this…
Time under load.
He is strengthening you… without breaking you. (And I am not
talking about a “broken spirit”… I’m talking about a broken heart. )
And me.
I’ve been under a load lately. About two years now. At first it didn’t seem that heavy. So I could handle it.
But as time went on I could feel my “muscles” shake. And I get the whole “give it to the Lord”
thing… but let’s be honest… some things He has us “take up” daily.
Because He wants us stronger.
When we say, “Whatever it takes Lord!”… and we mean it… He
does bring “whatever.”
I also learned this… that it is too easy to look at what
someone else is carrying and say, “that doesn’t seem so bad.” You never know how long they have been or
will be carrying it.
Chances are… like with me… long enough to strengthen without
Hang in there… if you are in a time when your encouragement
has moved more toward discouragement… if the things that you have you don’t
want and the things that you do want you do don’t have… if there are old
friends who don’t talk to you and making new ones doesn’t seem like a good
idea… If the whole “church thing” seems to get you more hurt than help…
Just remember… time
under load.
He will strengthen
Carry on.
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