Thursday, December 26, 2013

The day after Christmas

There is always a day that follows Christmas.  A day when the shepherds go back to the fields, the census continues, and you find yourself… as Joseph must have… facing the responsibilities that were there before the delivery.

We focus a lot on Jesus at Christmas (or do we) and rightly so… but I think we need to pause for a minute on this day after Christmas and realize that Joseph gave us a great example as men, husbands, and fathers.

Joseph was what was termed “tsaddiq” – righteous.  He had upheld the Jewish law his whole life and attained a place of prominence in the community.

But when the law would have required him to stone Mary for adultery… even before knowing what had happened… Joseph was ready to forfeit all of what he had worked for… all of what he had “earned”…

His status… his position… his accomplishments… his reputation… and perhaps his family.

Think about it… would you be looking for a hotel in the town where your family lived?  Why didn’t Joseph feel that he would be welcomed if he sought out an aunt or uncle… a cousin or even a close family friend?

He had chosen the road that God put before him and it brought him to a place of solitude and surrender.  A humble place… A manger.

He was ready to do what was right rather than do what would make others see him as righteous.

And now… it was time to start over.

Jesus had been born.

And Joseph’s focus was as laser aimed as ever.  He now had not just a wife… but a family.  And just as he was willing to bang the doors of the hotels, motels, and every Bed and Breakfast in Bethlehem to make sure they weren’t left on the street…

He was ready to pull up the boot straps and start doing what he needed to in order to provide for his family.

Joseph got it.  He realized that it isn’t about the man you become in the world… the accomplishments you can achieve… the reputation you manage to obtain.

It’s about listening to God and letting Him lead you so that you can lead your family.

It’s about the behind-the-scenes stuff husbands and fathers do that get lost in the excitement of the stable… when all of the focus is on the wife and child.

Joseph shows up again...  two more times he takes direction from God to keep his family safe.  And then… he gets lost in the pages of scripture.

Apart from an awesome pastry that bears his name… we don’t speak of him much.

But we need to remember what he taught us.

  1. Choose what you know is right over what others expect from the “righteous.”
  2. Don’t every stop listening to God.
  3. Bang on doors if you need to.
  4. Be ready to start over.
  5. Accept gifts from wise men.
  6. Go where God leads you.
  7. Don’t leave your wife’s side.
  8. Believe that your children are worth it.

To all of you  husbands, fathers, or soon-to-be…

To you men who want to be known as “men of God”…

Merry “Day after” Christmas.

You’re up.


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