Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bringing the embers together

Sitting in front of the fireplace, watching as the wood burns… you can learn a lot about the church… and how important it is to make sure we remember to come together as a body...

About what can happen if we do.

As I sat on the couch staring into the fire the embers lie beneath the grate, spread out below the logs that were losing their flames.

Small bits and pieces each glowing that distinct orange.

If you approached the embers you could feel their heat.  But there was no flame.  No roar of the fire.  No light.

That is… until all the embers were gathered together in a pile and the glass doors to the fireplace were opened just enough to let some air in.

Suddenly… a spark.  And then a blaze.

The flames danced over the embers and climbed the logs above.

It was beautiful.  It lit up the room.

The Church ought to light up wherever we are.  When Christians… those who are temples of the Holy Spirit… embers of the Fire of God… come together, the heat intensifies.

Standing alone… distant… we can only be aflame for so long.  We run the risk of burning out long before we are burned up.

But together… in unity… we can set the world on fire.

We play off one another.  Our spirits provoke the blaze in each other.

Faith adds to faith.

And the fire that follows should be nothing less than the all-consuming Love of God.

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together”  (Hebrews 10:25) we invite the wind of the Spirit to breathe new life into a smoldering stack.

Come together.  Open the doors.  Invite the Spirit in.

Come to experience what Samuel spoke of when he said, “Through the brightness before him were coals of fire kindled.” (2 Sam 22:13)

Let the Love of God burn in you.

And see the fire from heaven fall.


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