Saturday, May 19, 2012

It's all just a chocolate chip cookie

I was standing in line at the coffee bar.  It was on “Deck 5 – Mid.”  For you cruise type people you will know what I am talking about.

There I was just enjoying a cruise that had been a gift from God.  It was day 6 of the 8 day cruise.  I had been to the coffee bar at least twice a day for the six days.  Three drinks each time.  One for my wife, one for our daughter, and one for me.

I had gotten the drink order and left our stateroom, made my way to the coffee bar and now, because the line was pretty long, and the service very relaxed… I waited.

And as I waited I noticed that the young man in front of me was ordering a chocolate chip cookie.  I didn’t even know they had them.  It looked pretty good.  It was a pretty big cookie.

I thought about getting one, but then I realized that me, sugar, and a cup of coffee first thing in the morning… not such a good idea.

“Ah,” I thought, “I’ll bring one back for Rachel… our daughter.

Got my drinks, and the cookie, and headed back to the room.

“DID YOU GET ME A CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE?!?!?!?” Rachel screamed from her bed as I came through the door.

A little startled but still calm (can’t drink your coffee when carrying all that stuff) I said, “Yeah, I got you a chocolate chip cookie.”

Rachel and Donna went bizerk… in a good way.

Because there was more to the story.

After I had left the room Rachel said, “I hope dad gets me a chocolate chip cookie.”  Apparently she knew they were there, and she wanted one.

Donna started explaining the very, very low probability of me returning to the room with one considering it was now day 6 and she had never asked for one before.  And, well, let’s face it… I have a hard enough time remembering the things that are asked for…

So Rachel prayed, “Jesus, if you have ever heard me, have my dad bring me a chocolate chip cookie.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

(I’ll let that sink in for a minute)

Now you can understand their elation over the confectionary.

But the story doesn’t end there.  On the ride home from Ft. Lauderdale (23 hours straight –stopping only for gas, food, and restrooms – yeah, that’s right… be impressed) my wife and I were talking about the prayers we have been praying, the things we need, the ever present questions of “When, Why, What?” and the Lord put one simple thing on my heart…

Mike, they are all just chocolate chip cookies.

Prayers are answered at exactly the right moment, when those who need to see them are present, often through people who have no idea it is happening… all to give God glory.

God loves us.  He gives great gifts.  He answers prayer.

Don’t fill up too much on what the world is offering… you need to save room for the cookies.


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