There are typically two things that must happen for someone to “officially” inherit something:
1. There needs to be a will
2. Someone has to die
While it is not always the case, was I to say, “I inherited…” immediately you would assume that it was from someone, and that someone had passed away.
And inheritance usually has some level of value that would cause a dispute. There would be an argument over who got it if it weren’t clearly stated in the deceased’s last will and testament.
And, as we have seen many times… wills can be contested.
Siblings and close relatives will go to court to prove that they deserve, were promised, expected to receive something regardless of what the will had stated.
Sometimes people are on the edge of their seats waiting for someone to die… so they can receive their inheritance.
I know God was.
He was waiting on the edge of His seat for His Son to die so that we might be received by Him.
We are God’s inheritance.
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” Psalm 33:12
We are of eternal value to Him.
The devil will dispute it… he will try to show a case for his legal ownership of us… binding us in rules, regulations, religion, and self-reliance… he will do his best to convince us that we have been left… alone.
But we are not alone.
We have a Father Who loves us… Who will never leave us… Who calls us His sons… His children.
And when we become His children through faith in Christ, we are in His Will.
For it is the Father’s will that none should perish.
And through the sacrifice of the Cross, Christ leaves us, not alone… but “to”…
…His Dad…
…and we become the Father’s.
And each day, as we die daily to Him, He inherits more of us.
We are completely His… and always becoming more like Him.
We decrease and He increases.
Christ died to give us eternal life… an inheritance incorruptible.
And through faith we realize that He has left us as an inheritance incorruptible.
Washed clean by His blood.
And kept forever in His love.
God has chosen you as His inheritance… You are His. Dead to sin… Alive in Christ.
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