Saturday, September 7, 2013

Why do the wicked prosper?

Righteous art thou, O LORD, when I plead with thee: yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments: Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper?” Jeremiah 12:1
You have to hand it to Jeremiah… he can really get to the heart of things.

He looks around and sees the wicked prospering… something I would gather he did not find particularly fair to those who were trying to not be wicked… and he wants to know why?

But notice how he goes about his little inquiry.  He starts with the statement that declares God’s righteousness, “Righteous art thou, O LORD, when I plead with thee.”
He doesn’t doubt God’s righteousness, His judgments, or His character.  He doesn’t cry “UNFAIR O LORD!” 

He doesn’t wallow in a sea of “woe-is-me’s.”  Or look for sympathy from people.
He confidently approaches the One Who has the answers and asks plainly, “Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper?

The question might come a bit differently from our lips…
“Why do the people of the world seem to have so much success?  So much money? Cool stuff? Great vacations? Savings accounts? etc…”

The implication is obviously “and I don’t?”  Let’s be honest… at that point we aren’t concerned for the general welfare of the Church… it really is a personal thing.
It seems a never ending quest to understand the question, “Why am I not prosperingWhy don’t things seem to ever go my way?

We trade off the age old question of “Why do bad things happen to good people?” for the inverse, “Why do good things happen for bad people?!?”  Even in that position we are judging where we ought not and failing to learn something from the children of this world [who] are in their generation wiser than the children of light.(Luke 16:8)

The next verse gives us a little hint… “Thou hast planted them, yea, they have taken root: they grow, yea, they bring forth fruit: thou art near in their mouth, and far from their reins.” Jeremiah 12:2

It is a kingdom principle that words have power unto life and unto death (Proverbs 18:21). 

Kingdom principles are to the spirit as natural laws are to the flesh… they apply across the board… without discrimination. Just as gravity affects us all, there is no disclaimer that says if you are a Christian or if you are living a good life your words have power… 

Only God knows the intentions of a man’s heart… everyone else has to go by your word.

How are you using it?

What you say… you sow… what you sow… will grow. 

Whether in pride or positive outlook… the “wicked” speak life over themselves… they speak blessing… and prosperity…

“I’m smarter than so-and-so!” “I’m going to get that job!” “We’re going to have money to burn!” “I’m going to be a millionaire by 40!”

You name it… they say it.   They speak over themselves the kind of life the Father wants for all of His creation… He is near in their mouth for He is the Word.

And even thou they do it in their own strength (He is far from their reins) they do bring forth fruit.

Because it is a kingdom principle that you reap what you sow.

If weeds are growing… check the seed you are sowing.

Do not confess (say along with) debt, pain, sickness, sorrow, etc… over your life.  You would be in disagreement with God and in line with the enemy’s desire for your life.

We need to be declaring the abundant life Christ died to give us.  We need to be watching what we say.  Even if you doubt in your heart… speak what you want… not what you see… or what you are afraid of happening.

How many dreams go unseen by the one who confesses to be realistic?

God wants the miraculous for you!

Rather than be a realist be a miraculist!

Keep speaking life.  You may have spoken defeat or discouragement or negative words before… sowing the seeds of weeds… but you can declare them uprooted, till the soil in prayer, and begin planting good seed through you words now. 

And in Jesus’ name you will bring forth fruit.


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