While others might call them vandals… they call themselves artists.
Street Artists to be exact. And their claim to fame… graffiti.
Not only do they transform the appearance of cement, brick, and metal structures they do it in incredible time, against incredible odds…
And often at incredible heights.
Some just “tag” things with a symbol or a signature… perhaps an act of rebellion… or a cry to be noticed.
Others… they truly do produce works of art.
And while we can understand why the owners of the buildings or the people living in the neighborhoods want them to stop…
We can also understand why they do it.
We are all creatures of expression. We are all created in the image of the Creator. And when there is something in us that needs to get out…
Something that needs to be shared… Something we cannot contain…
We often ignore the “rules” or the “norms” and shout… whether with spray paint or with our voices… to whoever will listen… or even those who won’t.
Especially when we recognize it as a gift we have been given. And one that must be shared.
We have a friend who is a musician. A drummer. He has a tattoo that says, “Silence is my canvas.” He gets it.
There are voids that need to be filled.
God has made more preachers without pulpits than there are those with them. Like an artist without a canvas or a musician without a stage you have a gift that was meant to be shared.
And there are voids to be filled.
Voids in the highways and byways. Voids in the work place and in recreational space.
In schools… and in homes.
The Word of God must permeate these places. It must cover the walls. It must be heard. But not just in words…
But in demonstration of the Spirit and in power. (1 Cor 2:4)
You are an expression of God’s love. You were meant to fill a void. My challenge to you today is to do it.
You don’t need a pulpit… you don’t need a canvas… you just need the revelation of a God Who cannot be contained.
And the revelation that His Spirit is alive in you.
You might not feel like you have something to “say”… but I can assure that you have something to “do.”
Heal the sick. Feed the hungry. Clothe the naked. Love. Comfort. Support. Encourage.
Someone you will encounter today has a void in their life. Fill it with an expression of God’s love.
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