Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Are you on God's S.H.I.T. list?

Before there were refrigeration systems aboard ships there were containers marked with the designation…

Ship High In Transit.

These boxes needed special attention.  They carried precious cargo. Things that, if too much time passed… could spoil.

And so, rather than be placed below deck where they might be forgotten… they were stacked on the highest point of the vessel… in plain view… as a constant reminder to captain and crew that they needed to press on…

That time was of the essence.

Constantly checking to make sure one bad apple didn’t spoil the bunch… that bugs hadn’t gotten to the greens… that things were still fresh.

If the cargo kicked… the voyage was fruitless. (no pun intended… but I will enjoy it for a moment)

It is also worth mentioning that the “aroma” that would rise from the crates if the deadline was missed was somewhat nauseating.  Another good reason to not have them in the hull.

They needed to be in the sun.

You are on God’s list of precious cargo.  He has placed you on the manifest  as He has manifest Himself in you.

You are the reason for the journey.  You are constantly in His eye.  His gaze is upon you.  His focus never wavering.

He will remove that which is spoiling in your character… your attitude… your life…

So that you… as a crate… a vessel… fruit… might be saved.

Not “salvation” saved…

But “saved” from spoiling… protected from pests… kept in the Son.

He wants to get you through the storm… across the ocean… against the odds…

Because there are people who are hungry…

People who need the fruit of the Spirit… the Greens from green pastures.


Oh… and it is a good thing I put the periods after each letter or you might have read the subject line wrong and thought I was talking about an entirely different list altogether.  One that, in Christ… doesn’t even exist.


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