It is always good to know that someone is thinking about you… that you haven’t been forgotten…
that you matter….
That there is someone out there that wants the best for you… to see you succeed… to see you smile.
Someone who is in your corner… who knows all of your baggage… and is willing to help you carry it.
Someone who seems to always forget your mistakes… but never forgets you…
God is like that.
“How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand…” Psalm 139:17,18
And they are “thoughts of peace and not to harm you, to give you an expected end.” Jeremiah 29:11
If you were to fill a typical refrigerator with sand… there would be a grain of sand for every second of your life if you lived to be 600 years old.
Yes… 600 years old.
Now… think about the beach… and the bottom of the ocean.
About the desert… and the playground.
The sand that somehow gets in your shoes… and in the rug.
That's a lot of sand.
But did you know that glass is made of “sand?”
So is concrete.
My prayer is that every time you look out a window… walk on a sidewalk… see a building or a foundation… a curb… a highway divider…
That you would realize that… even when you might have been thinking about something else…
He was thinking of you.
Know that… like glass… God’s thoughts for you are clear… He loves you and wants the best for you.
Know that… like concrete… God’s thoughts for you are solid… from the foundation of the world He has loved you.
And know that… like sand… God’s thoughts for you cannot be counted… His love will never fail… you will never find the end of it.
Life may not always seem like a day at the beach… but there is not a day without sand...
God is always thinking about you.
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