Monday, March 3, 2014

Having an unanswered prayer list

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” John 14:13

Wouldn’t it be much easier if He had said “that will I do… on Mondays… or in one week… or immediately?”

I don’t like the Christian caveats or liturgical loopholes that make it OK to wait for prayers to be answered. And I hate when they have something to do with me.

“God must be doing something in you.”  “You aren’t ready to receive it yet.”  “There is sin in your life.”  “You can’t ask for that.”

While those things may be true… they don’t have to be.

God can give me a hold-over.  He can give me the thing I ask for until the thing He has for me arrives.  It is not outside of His ability.

And the verses in the Bible that show persistence in prayer producing results often lean too much to the idea that I can do something more or better and then I can deserve the answer… that I can earn it.

Shouldn’t asking once be enough?  Does got not hear?  Am I supposed to prove something to the One Who knows everything?

Is it that He can’t remember?


Is it that I will forget.

I have gone to the grocery store many times.  And I stand a much better chance of leaving with what I need if I have a list.  Especially if that list is long.

And my prayer list is long.  Believe me.

Prayer is not a one-way call to heaven.  It is a conversation.

When you find yourself STILL praying for that breakthrough… STILL looking for those answers… STILL asking…

Just consider how large God’s grocery store is… how enormous the storehouses of heaven are.

We carry prayer lists and continue persistent in prayer not because God has not heard, or answered…

Not because He hasn’t remember…

But because we will forget.  We will get discouraged.  We will walk down the wrong isle or start adding things to the cart.

We will get our hands full or get distracted by sale prices.

We will rush rather than be patient.

And having a list helps us to remember… when we see that answer clear as day in front of us… on the right shelf… at the right time…

That we are meant to take it.

And He has been gracious to remind you about it every time you were in prayer… in that conversation with Him.

While you think you are waiting for Him… waiting for an answer… waiting for a breakthrough…

He has been saying, “Don’t forget this… it is waiting for you.”

Get your list out.  And keep your eyes open.



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