Tuesday, March 25, 2014

When you start to see red

I think that one of the ways the enemy manages to cause people to try desperately to earn God’s love and approval through religion… rather than realize His love and approval in relationship through Jesus… is that he fails vocabulary.

He has taken every word of the Bible and deliberately and cunningly redefined them so that when people read the Word apart from the Spirit they get a wrong impression and understanding of Who God is.

There are many… many examples.  But today I want to look at one name of God… one attribute… one facet of His character that so demonstrates His love for us that the devil has spent millennia working against what it really means.

God is…


How can it be that this term demonstrates His love?  How can we reconcile the times in scripture that we are told to not judge… and then too judge… with God as Judge… and constantly dealing with people who are judgmental?  (More mental than judge :-) )

Don’t go to the dictionary… not in this context.  You can’t expect to fully understand the things of God from something with a copyright claimed by man.

You need to look to the Word and apply what it says to what it saying.

When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.” Matt 25:31-32

This is a picture of how Jesus judges.  Coming in His full identity (His Glory), He is Judge.

To judge means to rightly divide, to separate, to call out.

An earthly judge separates the facts from the lies.  And then pronounces a verdict.  (A word that derives its origin in the term “true saying”.)

He calls it like he sees it.

And again for another picture of the act of judging… go to Genesis chapter 30… Jacob vs Laban.

Jacob wants the herds that are rightfully his.  So he claims those that look a certain way and removes them from those that did not.

Jesus does the same.

I can hear Him now…

“Mine are the ones that are red…

covered by My blood…”

And so He judges (the Greek word is krino) the masses by separating them… by rightly dividing them… by calling them out.

And it is based on one thing and one thing alone…

Are you covered by the Blood?  When God looks at you does He see red?

Oh, and this particular shade of red can only be seen when it is held up to the Light.

It is fluorescent.   It becomes more brilliant, more pronounced, when it is reflecting.

And so do we.

If you want to “judge” others… you need to hold them up to the Light.  Separate them from who they are… what they have done… where they have been…

And show them Him… Let his light shine through you… see them through His eyes…

You will surprised how they begin to look.

You just might begin to see red.



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