Friday, April 4, 2014

When we find ourselvs being replaced.

One of the most uncomfortable things to go through is change.  We find comfort in things being predictable… manageable… the same.

While we may appreciate a challenge here and there… maybe in certain areas… or certain things… it is good to know that something is secure.

That there is something we can rely on.

Too often, that “thing” is our “place”… wherever it might be.

We begin to find our identity… our security…  in that place and we become established.

Maybe it was a job that you were in for a long time.

A church.  Or a ministry.  Perhaps it was a group of friends that you spent a lot of time with.

And then, what seems like “all of a sudden” it changes.

You no longer have that “place”… that security.

But when change comes… and it will… we need not look at what we might be “losing” or where we may have been…

We need to realize that in the kingdom… and by God’s Hand we are being…


He shall break in pieces mighty men without number, and set others in their stead.” Job 34:24

He is picking you up.

HE is picking you up… and placing you again… strategically… for the advancement of the kingdom and the perfection of your faith.  You are being set in the stead of others.

He is taking you into fields you did not plow and vineyards you did not plant.  He is bringing you through doors you did not open, and into wall cities you did not build.

Your identity… your security… your “place”… is in Him.

Christ in you... the hope of glory.

In all of who you are... and in everything you do... let Him replace you.



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