“For thus loved God the world, that the Son, the unique One, He gave… For did not send God the Son into the world that He might judge the world, but that might be saved the world through Him.” John 3:16a, 17
Throw a little Yoda “hmmm…” after that and it could have been a line from Star Wars®.
The Greek grammar and sentence structure of the Bible is different than our English.
The verse above is in the actual word order of the original Greek text.
Yoda knew what he was talking about.
I am not saying that the author intended it to be a “Christian” work but so many themes in the Star Wars® movies and books hovercraft dangerously close to being Biblical.
Take the term paduan which not only seems quite close to the Greek paidion but is used correctly as far as the Greek definition goes.
Certainly there are things that are way off.
But ultimately… the battle between right and wrong,…
Throw a little Yoda “hmmm…” after that and it could have been a line from Star Wars®.
The Greek grammar and sentence structure of the Bible is different than our English.
The verse above is in the actual word order of the original Greek text.
Yoda knew what he was talking about.
I am not saying that the author intended it to be a “Christian” work but so many themes in the Star Wars® movies and books hovercraft dangerously close to being Biblical.
Take the term paduan which not only seems quite close to the Greek paidion but is used correctly as far as the Greek definition goes.
Certainly there are things that are way off.
But ultimately… the battle between right and wrong,…