“You will ask me nothing, but you will ask the Father in my name…” “The Father will send the Comforter, He will instruct you in all things.” “And lo, I am with you always…”
When you fall in love with Jesus and accept Him as your personal Savior you kinda get attached to Him. How could you not. You’ll never have a friend that sticks closer. When you think of what He has done… suffering and dying for you… opening heaven for you… you can’t help but feel appreciation.
And then He tells you not to ask Him for anything. He tells you to ask the Father in His name. And what’s more, you will receive what you ask for.
And, to top it off, He tells you that the Father will give you the Holy Spirit who will instruct you in all things, even giving you the words to pray.
It almost leaves Jesus out of the equation. Which shouldn’t surprise us from the stand point of humility and all.
But He is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings. His name is high and lifted up. He appeared to Saul on the road and continues to reveal Himself today to sinners and saints.
Lately, when I go on my prayer walk I find myself talking to Jesus about how I feel like I am leaving Him out. I pray to the Father, in Jesus’ name. I say “Thank You Jesus” knowing that it is only because of Him that I am able to ask anything. But I still want time with Him. I still want to ask Him for things.
So I asked Him, “Why are You with me?”
Of course, I thought of His love and His kindness. I thought of Him as the Shepherd. I thought of Him as a friend.
But it wasn’t until during a church service that He answered me very clearly.
One of the pastors was preaching and he asked two people to come up to help him with a visual representation of what would happen in the Old Testament when a sinner would bring a lamb to the high priest. The high priest would not examine the sinner… there was no point. He would examine the lamb that was to be sacrificed on his behalf to ensure that it was without spot.
And that was when He said to me, “Always ready to be examined.”
The devil continues to accuse us before the Father. And Our Father is a righteous Judge. He must hear every case, and He must rule justly.
Jesus, our Passover Lamb, is perfect… without spot. He was sacrificed for our sin. Yet He walks with us always so that when the devil accuses, and the Righteous Judge examines…
He finds nothing wrong.
We are always ready to be examined because it is not us that are… it is the perfect Lamb.
When we are without Christ we are with sin… we are with Christ we are without sin.
So which would you rather? Be with Him and be always ready to be examined and to be found without sin.
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