Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Take the promotion

There are few times when you are “offered” a promotion that you do not take it.  Of course there are the rare occasions when you wouldn’t… and the less rare occasions when you wish you hadn’t… but for the most part, when you get offered a promotion you accept it.

At least in the physical.

But what about the spiritual?

We are reminded in Colossians 3 that when we work we are to do everything we do as unto the Lord.  And He watches us.  He sees everything we do.  And that which we do in secret He… HE… rewards. (Matt 6:4)

Our God is the God Who promotes.  While the one whom God has set in authority over us (our pastor, our boss, etc..) may communicate the promotion… it is God who gives/provides the promotion.

For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.” Psalm 75:6-7

I want to remind you today that God has promoted you… and He wants you to accept it.

His declaration over your life is that you are more than a conqueror, that you are His child.

He has declared you righteous through the cross.

Your title is no longer “Servant” but “Son.”

A king beneath the King of Kings.

A lord beneath the Lord of Lords.

A victor beneath the Victor of all Victories.

When we are promoted in the physical we often face opposition.  Those who felt they deserved it more… those who become envious… those who would try to undermine the authority given to us… to work against us.

And in the spiritual… even more so.

The enemy tried to promote himself… and it got him cast out of heaven.  When we accept God’s promotion… His declaration of who we have now become in Christ… it angers the devil more than we can imagine.

He thinks he deserves our place… he burns with envy… he tries to undermine the authority given to us in Jesus’ name.

But He can’t unless we agree with him and not with God!

Part of our promotion… part of YOUR promotion is this…

You stand over a defeated foe!  Your heel… in Christ… is on the devil’s neck.

Don’t let him up!

Begin walking victoriously in the identity that Christ gave His life for you to have.

You have been promoted…. ACCEPT IT!!!


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