I wonder what Saul’s motivation was for letting David face Goliath? Think about it for a minute. There was a lot… I mean A LOT riding on this little one-on-one showdown.
If Goliath won, Israel would lose its freedom. They would enter slavery once again. And Saul’s legacy would be that he was the first… and last king.
Maybe that was what it was.
Saul’s motivation revealed his heart. He had gone from being the anointed king of Israel to being the annoyed king of Israel. Samuel had already told him that he had lost the kingdom, maybe he was just cutting his losses… pulling the Band-Aid off quickly.
Maybe he figured that if the only person in all of Israel that was willing to fight was a little shepherd boy… being the king of Israel wasn’t such a good gig after all.
So, what the heck… let the little shepherd fight and lose… get it over with. Throw him under the bus. Let him take the fall.
But if he was going to send him to his death, at least let him go in some armor.
Have you ever been “under” a Saul?
One who has assumed defeat and throws you “token armor”… that little bit they felt necessary to walk away with a clear conscience and say, “Well, I tried… gave it my best shot… sometimes things just don’t work out.”
What Saul thought was the end… was just the beginning.
David didn’t try to attack Saul. He served him. Because he knew that God had made Saul king and it wasn’t his place to remove him. David let God deal with Saul and trusted that the promise the Lord had made him through Samuel was one he could count on.
And even though Saul had thrown in the towel… David hadn’t.
I wonder if it was the same towel Christ used to dry the feet of His disciples. The towel that says, “I am not above serving.”
David was willing to go into battle because he knew he was not going alone. He was going in the Name that we must go in. He did what no one else was willing to do.
Just as Jesus did when He took a knee and washed the feet of the disciples.
Saul was too proud and too afraid to stand alone against the giant. He was the king after all! The armies were supposed to fight. Not him. They were to serve him…
Jesus was THE KING… but He was humble… and served… and did the task that no one wanted to… the job they all felt “above.”
David became the king because he stepped up… and in doing so stepped in to the anointing that Samuel had poured over him.
We will face Saul’s in our life … people who feel like it is already over, that the battle is already lost… and they are willing to throw us their armor so we can take the fall.
But we don’t go into battle alone.
We go in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ… the Conquering King.
And as David… we do not try to remove someone… we just try to be someone. The someone God has made us to be… that He calls us to be.
Is it your time to step up? Is it your time to take on the challenge that looks like it has already been lost? As a child of God you are anointed… the oil flows over you as it did David…
You need to step in to it.
Take that step of faith and see the amazing victories God will give you.
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