Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The butterfly effect

I looked it up on Wikipedia.  The “butterfly effect” is the “sensitive dependency on initial conditions in which a small change at one place in a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.”

It is a mouth full.

It basically says that something small can have a big effect.  The term comes from the concept that butterflies flapping their wings in one area can have a dramatic effect on the weather conditions across the globe.

Unlike the domino effect or the ripple effect… which are seemingly more predictable in pattern… the butterfly effect is much more unpredictable and exponential.

As Christians we are meant to be the butterfly effect in the world.

While we may seem like just one person… or small group… or church…

But we have a power behind us that cannot be measured.

One prayer… one declaration… one step of faith…

A kind word… a hand offered… a listening ear…

Can change everything.

He did it.  With one act.

The cross.

One decision.  The decision to obey the Father.  Changed everything.

Death turned to life.  Hope replaced despair. Sorrow moved over for Joy to move in.

Analogies of the tomb and the cocoon are too easy… but they work.

It is time for us, as Christians, as followers of Christ, to come out of our cocoons.  We WILL change the conditions around us.  Not because of who we are, but because of the One Who lives in us.

The butterfly never sees the impact it has… and neither may we.  But we must continue… we must press on believing that He Who began a work in us will be faithful to complete it.

Don’t believe the lie of the enemy that your prayers are not working.  They are the very winds that come against those that would be coming against you.  An otherwise easy trip for Satan becomes a storm he cannot endure.

Every breath a Christian breathes in faith blows the enemy of course.

Do not cease to offer those prayers.  Do not stop your praise.

The dimmest light can be seen in the darkest night.

And the more of Him we allow to shine through… the brighter we become.

Go… BE the butterfly effect He intends you to be.


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