I am sure many have heard it… but if you haven’t… don’t worry… I am equally as sure that many haven’t. The definition of sin.
There seem to be many. And if you ask you might hear, “Doing something wrong,” “Breaking God’s law,” and so forth. You may also hear the metaphor that I so often used myself based on the biblical word chata’- the one about archery and “missing the mark.”
All good. All correct. But I would like to share with you another definition. A definition that takes the focus off of us and places it back on Him… where is should be. I am not saying that the people who define sin as I have said above are wrong. They are not. But in order to be effective followers of Christ we need something that empowers us, something that we can say, “I am on the hook… and praise God that He was on the cross!”
Here it is.
Sin = failing to honor God and give Him all that He is worthy of
Everything we do either honors Him or doesn’t.
People can argue when you say, “That is wrong!” because they may have a different world view or may believe that right and wrong are relative terms. People can argue when you say that they “missed the mark” because they don’t believe there is a mark. But when you define sin as “failing to honor God and give Him all that He is worthy of” they are first faced with a decision to either deny or confess Him. It takes the focus off of the act or transgression, and even off of the degree of right or wrong and turns it to something we can chew on…
When I thought evil of someone… was that honoring God?
When I looked with lust… was that honoring God?
When I told a lie or participated in gossip… was that honoring God?
When I failed to forgive as He forgives… was that honoring God?
Do I give Him and Him only my eyes and all that I look upon?
Do I speak only words of life, and only of Him?
Do I listen to or give ear to only those things that glorify Him?
Do I treat my body as a holy temple?
In every moment, of every day, in all that I do, with every breath I breathe… do I honor Him and give Him all that He is worthy of?
Can anyone? Can anyone offer the Father all that He is worthy of? Can anyone be presented as a life without a moment of sin? Is there anyone? Anyone?
Thank God that Jesus Christ willingly offered Himself up! Thank God that He was obedient even unto death, the death on a cross! Thank God that because He never failed to honor the Father and always gave Him what He is worthy of…
The price has been paid! We are redeemed! The gift, the propitiation, the grace, the mercy… Oh glory!
Let us take up the stones that we would cast and build an altar unto to the Lord on which we offer ourselves to Him, daily. Not to pay for our sins, but to honor Him! To give ourselves to Him, for it is all we have to give. And though He is worthy of so much more, will He not rain down fire from heaven to consume us – that all consuming fire that is His love! It does not matter that we were drenched in sin. It does not matter that we were soaked to the bone, saturated with the desires of the flesh. As with Elijah… so with us! The fire, the very Holy Spirit of the Living God, will ignite us! And we will be the lights we are called to be!
Go and fail to honor God and give Him all that He is worthy of no more!
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