Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How do we get out from under the mid-week spiritual slump?

I have heard so many people talk about their weekly spiritual journey.  Sunday they are at church and they get fired up.  Their spirits are lifted and their heads are high.  They are ready to take on the world and spread the good news of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!  Nothing can take them down.  Nothing can stop them!

Monday comes and they wake up determined to not let it be a day of dread.  While the rest of the world is in the “hate Monday” mentality, these super saints are ready to defeat the foe.

Then, no sooner do they get out of bed, than the weight of the world hits them.  The fire in their belly begins to dwindle.  A cup of coffee helps.  A hand-shake keeps them going.  A bible verse serves as a reminder to what they are supposed to be doing.

And they get through Monday with some Spirit left in them.

And then Tuesday comes. 

By this time the enemy is so determined to steal their joy and render them ineffective for the Kingdom that they can almost barely walk.  It is no wonder that some churches have gone back to the Mid-Week Wednesday service.  We need it!

Seven days just seems too long between re-charges.  Our spiritual batteries don’t seem to rival the lithium packs that so many smart phones, computers, and other gadgets have.  We need a hard line, a JC adapter... “JC” of course standing for Jesus Christ…, that never comes unplugged. 

That is all well and good, you might be thinking.  But HOW do we get that JC adapter hooked up?  How to we tap into the power of the Holy Spirit when we are so remote?

Here are two strategies or disciplines that have helped me.


Out loud.  As though you are before a crowd of ten-thousand hungry souls who have said, “If you give it all you got, and show me how much you love Jesus, I will believe it Him.”  Go with reckless abandon, rocking the heavens, and tearing down spiritual walls that have been raised up to prevent the glory of the Everlasting to pour out.

When you leave church on Sunday, do you not feel so much more on fire when you hear the Word? When you have had time for worship?  And on Wednesday… how much preaching are you hearing?  How many worship songs are pouring off of your lips?  And I am not just speaking about listening to CDs, iPods, or the radio.  I am talking about singing praise your self.  I am talking about entering His courts whenever you want. 

Preach to yourself.  Preach the gospel.  Imagine that the very problem or spiritual slump you are in is being experienced by someone else and they have come to you for help.  Let the love of Jesus so fill your heart for yourself that you can be your own encourager.

Get fired up!  Have a private pep rally!  Cheer on the Prince of Peace, the King of Kings, Immanuel, the Giver of Life, the Light of the World, our Provider, our Protector, our Comfort, our Father, our Lord and Savior!

All of the angels in heaven, all of the heavenly hosts are waiting for you to step up to that private pulpit.

Praise Him, Worship Him, Preach to your self.  And Wednesday may just become the most powerful day of the week.


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