Tuesday, November 30, 2010

He did what, when?

"GOD, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by [his] Son" (Hebrews 1:1-2a)

Can you imagine where we would be if Israel waited for another burning bush?  Not metaphorically, because we know that there have been many, but literally.  What if, as the pillar of cloud was moving Israel stayed put in the desert because they concluded, "God doesn't do it that way.  He only speaks through burning bushes."

What if, Paul, when on the road to Damascus concluded that the voice from heaven was not that of Christ?

What if Job hadn't listened to the whirlwind... or Elijah to the still small voice?

Since we know that He is "the same yesterday, and  to day, and for ever" (Hebrews 13:8) we must conclude that today, here with us, He will, at various times and in various ways speak to us.  And how He speaks to me may not - strike that - will more than likely not be the same way He speaks to you, nor at the same time. 

God desires to communicate with us.  Before the whole Fall went down, He would walk through the garden looking for Adam.  And He does the same for us today.

He pursues us.  And praise God through Jesus Christ that He does!

And let me ask you this... what if, when God spoke to Elijah in a still small voice, people didn't receive it because they hadn't heard the voice themselves?  What if He is trying to speak to us through others and we don't receive it for the same reason?

As long as we are trying to fit Jesus into a box that we are comfortable with, we may as well make it a coffin.  Dead men stay put.  But Jesus is ALIVE!  And the Spirit is moving!  Rather than trying to contain it we should be watching it... following it... moving with it.

The desert we call life has many an oasis.  As we wander on our way to our eternal home, keep your eyes open for the pillars that He uses to guide you. 

I pray that today at various times and in various ways God speaks to us through Christ.  And I pray that we hear Him.


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