Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Camera Don't Lie

            It was my daughter's fifth birthday.  Amidst all the cake and hot dogs and ponies someone had a video camera.  For the first time in a long time I saw myself from a distance.  I heard myself talk.  I watch my mannerisms.  I can tell you... the consensus of my second grade class was dead on.  I'm short, have big ears, and a generous forehead.  But now, to add insult to injury, my stomach classifies as a "gut".  (It arrived at the party about five minutes before I did.)  Will this exclusive video move me to action?  Meaning of course, yes that dreaded word, exercise.  In theory.  But it is yet to be determined.

            But I am glad for the tape.  At the very least it provides me with the wonderful opportunity for humility.  And it taught me a lesson I hope I don't soon forget. 
            You see, it helped me to see what was there all the time.  And, not to mention, what snuck up on me.  (You don't get this pouch overnight.)  But overtime I had stopped taking notice of myself.  When I was younger I was always worried about the way I looked.  I stayed in shape.  I still ate.  Don't get me wrong.  But I was more active.  I was very self conscious of my ears and my forehead.  I wore hats a lot.  As I got older other things became important.  My wife.  My daughter.  Cannoli.  I began to look in the mirror less.  Maybe for too long.  And I have paid the price. 

            How could that happen?  Well, simple.  I met someone who loved me for who I was.  For how they saw me.  And I forgot what I really looked like. 

            How often we do this with our sin.  We find Christ, who loves us for who we are, and we forget just exactly how  we looked when we first walked toward Him.  We forget the severity of our sin.  That very thing that made us realize the extent of His love.  We let things go as we get involved in our lives.  We get spiritual "guts".  Things we have compromised.  We enjoy the cannoli that the enemy has so cunningly put on our plates.  We stop looking in the mirror. 

            And why not?  We're paid for aren't we?  He loves us any way, doesn't He?  Yes, He does.  But should we sin that His grace may more abound?

            Seeing that tape made me realize that my wife certainly doesn't love me for my looks.  Looking at my short comings, my spiritual failures, my spiritual "gut"... makes me realize how incredible His love is. 

            What would the camera see if it were pointed at you?  And remember, the camera don't lie.


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