It was about and I had just fixed my wife a cup of warm milk. As we sat in bed we began talking. Well I was talking. Not about anything specific, just rambling. I noticed that she had closed her eyes and gotten comfortable so I said, "Good night sweetheart, I'll let you sleep." Her reply made me laugh a bit. She said, "No. Keep talking. It puts me to sleep."
Well I may not be the world's greatest motivational speaker, but I wouldn't have thought I was that boring (though some may argue that point). My wife laughed with me and she assured me that it wasn't that I was boring her but rather that when she heard my voice as she fell asleep it made her feel more secure. She didn't feel alone. She felt safe. I'm going to take her word on this one, if for no other reason than my own esteem.
We are the same way with our Father in heaven. When we feel alone or insecure, if we hear Him talking, we know we are not alone. We feel secure and safe. We can relax and sleep. Now, granted, if you try to read Leviticus at , you might fall asleep, and not necessarily because you feel safe. But that isn't really what I'm talking about. ( And no offense to the book of Leviticus, or its Author.) Jesus told us that His sheep would know His voice. It is that voice that comforts, that gives us a sense of security. We must always be listening for that voice. In times of loneliness, in times of insecurity or despair, no matter how alone you feel, He can comfort you. And He'll stay up all night, talking you to sleep.
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