Monday, February 28, 2011

Possession 1: Humility

         Humility opens my eyes

             “He hath shewed thee, O man, what [is] good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” (Micah 6:8)

“Humility is to make a right estimate of one’s self.” C. H. Spurgeon
If you had to choose, would you rather be humbled or humiliated?  The first is a choice.  The second is a consequence.  Being humbled may be a bit painful; but never as painful as being humiliated.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Demoting Christ

If we ever start a conversation with, “I’ve been a Christian for … years.”  SHAME on us! 

It is not the length of time we have been with the Lord… it is how much of us has died to Him.

It is not how long we have known Him… it is how deeply we know Him.

Do not despise the youth.  Do not give in to the enemy who does want to set things “in order” but rather “in an order.” 

He doesn’t want the church to be the “living” organism; he wants it to be a rigid “put-your-time-in” organization.

The moment we try to use the length of time we have been saved as a credential… we take away from the cross.  Understand that this is then an issue of our own insecurity.  We begin to look more at our own accomplishments than what Christ accomplished at the cross.

This is not an issue of what we know, but rather Who we know.  I am not talking about years of schooling and subject matter knowledge.  I am talking about the depth of a living, intimate relationship with the Lord.

We have all known people that, as soon as we meet, we say, “I feel like I have known you all my life!” Or we just “click” and life long friendships and fellowship begin.

And then there are those that we have known all of our lives and have never really known them.

We don’t want out relationship with Jesus to fall into the latter category.

We want to know Him.  And we want HIM to be known.  He has been Him for eternity.  The Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the End… the Was and Is and Is to Come.

We could never know Him longer than He has known us.

So the only credential we should ever boast in… the only thing that should come out when we are telling people about Him… is not what we know… but WHO we know.

We know WHO took the cross for all who would accept His sacrifice.

He has enough credentials.  Tell people about those.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

A vine on a hill

A vine on a hill
Drained of its wine
To give life to those who thirst

To obey the will
Of the Father divine
And of the fruits become the first


Friday, February 25, 2011

Beneath His wings...

            There are a lot of pictures we paint of our Lord.  We have images in our heads of Him on the cross, or preaching from a boat, or rising up through the clouds.  But how often do we think of Jesus as a chicken.  Not a chicken in the sense of being a wimp or afraid, but that of a hen with her chicks.  Well this picture of Jesus comes right from Him.  In Matthew 23:37 Jesus uses this very image when he tells the Jews that so many times He had wanted to gather them up like a hen does her chicks but they wouldn't come.

            Trying to picture Jesus as a chicken walking around the coop might seem a little comical.  His head jerking back and forth, clucking His heart out.  But please bear with me on this one.  Try to imagine a cold morning in the coop.  The morning mist is still on the grass and in the corner of the coop there sits a hen.  She isn't moving, just letting her own body heat warm her eggs.  Then one by one the eggs begin to hatch.  Out of the shells come brand new creatures.  And when those new creatures go out and run around the yard, and find that it is all too much for them to take in, that the world is just too big for them to conquer in one day, they run back to that place they know.  That place of warmth and peace and protection.  That shelter from the storm.

            So many truths about Christ can be seen in this picture.  We are those eggs, created by Him.  But created for a greater purpose.  We were never meant to remain eggs.  And only by the warmth of His being close to us can we come out of our shells and become new creatures.  The world can be a cold place, a threatening, frightening place.  Many of us would be satisfied to remain in our shells where we feel protected.  But if we do not emerge from those shells we can never take part in the further promises that He has made.  To feel His love right upon us and not through a shell is that much greater.  To run in the yard knowing that we can find our refuge under His wing.  To find that peace and protection.  To take full advantage of the gifts He has waiting.  To look back at the shell we came from and joyful watch as it is thrown to the swine, knowing He has made us new.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What does it mean to “confess?”

I grew up thinking that confessing was admitting when you were wrong. As a man (though not exclusive to men) it can often be hard to admit when you are wrong.  I know I have a hard time doing it. 

I can get into defense mode and try to justify my actions.  But, just as he is apt to do, the enemy twisted the true meaning of confession to become one of condemnation.

But confession isn’t about condemning… it is about agreeing.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lost in the laundry

            It has happened to all of us.  Well, at some time or another.  If we weren't careful.  We put a pair of socks in the drier and... they are never seen again.  Wooo spooky.  Somewhere, somehow, in the great big scheme of the science known as laundryology those socks vanished.  Single socks everywhere search to find their lost mates.  They sit in the perpetual basket, destined to become one of a mixed pair, saved for the yard work.  Did the socks actually disappear?  Doubt it.  Their mate is probably in the basket with them.  Just not paired up.  I remember one time I spent close to thirty minutes going through what was supposed to be the misfit socks.  It was a basket full.  At the end of the thirty minutes I think I only had maybe three socks that weren't still part of a pair.

            In the hustle and bustle of everyday goings on we tend to gather a basket full of unpaired socks.  We lack the patience to put the pairs together.  Maybe it is "patience" and the "children".  Or maybe it is "a caring heart" and "a listening ear".  Things that should go together.  Things that make a relationship complete.  It is not that we don't have the ability or the desire (which, by the way, make a good pair of their own) it is that we've put them in the misfit basket, thinking that we can not use them.  We hope that one day we'll just come across the match.  But it doesn't always work that way.  Sometimes you have to sit down in front of the basket and set the time aside.  Go through it.  Find out what you have in there that isn't being used.  They are things that you must want or you would have thrown them out.  Pair them up so you can start to use them again. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Direction by Rejection

and were forbidden of the Holy Ghost” Acts 16:6

they assayed to go …but the Spirit suffered them not.”  Acts 16:7

It can be hard sometimes.  When we are certain of what He is going to give us.  When we are certain of the best thing for us.  When we say to ourselves, “God is going to give me this, I can feel it!”  and then He doesn’t.  It can be hard when we continually get doors slammed in our face, or phone calls are not returned.  When the perfect job goes to someone else or the ministry does not seem to be taking off.

And yet, so it is. 

Rather than get angry with God or wonder if Jesus forgot His promise, “and lo I am with you always” these moments of what may appear to be failure, these moments of what seem to be rejection, are the very moments to praise and thank our Father for.

God often gives direction by rejection, so we know where we won’t go.

Monday, February 21, 2011

I feel sick…

How often do we find ourselves returning to our vomit?  Excuse the somewhat uncomfortable metaphor, but isn’t that how the scriptures describe it?  We, like dogs, when we are hungry, do not go after the things of the Spirit… the Bread of Life… the Well that never runs dry…

We go back to what will give us no nutritional value… won’t taste the same as when we first ate it… and… to boot… looks so disgusting that it should make us sick to even look at it!

We return to our own vomit.  We actively look for that which we have violently expelled from our lives.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

When God doesn’t show up

Then when Mary was come where Jesus was, and saw him, she fell down at his feet, saying unto him, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.” John 11:32

Are there times when you feel like God just doesn’t show up?  Times that test your patience… and your faith.  Times when you grin and bear it… you say, “I know the Lord is here…” but you can hardly convince yourself of it?

If not… I am glad for you.  But I have to admit… I’ve been there.  I have felt this so many times.  “Lord, if you had been here…” 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How cool is that?

There is an anointing on our dining room table.  The Lord is just so amazing.  We have five cats.  Why is that important?  It has been known to occur that while in fellowship around out table, people with allergies to cats do not have symptoms.  We have even had people with food allergies eat the food they are allergic to and not have symptoms.

One particular brother has been to our home a few times.  He has allergies to cats… but has never demonstrated symptoms.  

One night though, he was over having coffee and we were talking about work and things like that.  He started getting itchy in his eyes.  He said, “I don’t get it… the cats are bothering my allergies tonight… and I even have my hands on the table.”  

The Lord convicted me and I said, “You eyes itching has convicted me that we should stop talking about work and start talking about the God.”

So we did.  And we had a great time of fellowship.  He spent almost another two hours at the table.

After he had left I sent him a message asking if the itching stopped after we starting talking about God.

Do I even have to tell you the answer…

“Stop making sense! Yes, it did.”

The Lord confirmed that when we gather in His name… He is there.  And where He is… it is awesome.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands…

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands” Eph 5:22, Col 3:18
Likewise, ye wives, [be] in subjection to your own husbands;” 1 Peter 3:1

I want to talk to you about the chauvinistic deception of the devil.  I want to encourage you that the Word of God is true.  I want to make sure that we get it and that we don’t abuse it.

Wives are called to be submitted to their husbands.  It is the way God has set it up.  But because of abuses within the Body of Christ, because of people who were not true believers claiming to be, because of the work of the enemy through a feminist movement that sought to castrate Christ… and because of ignorance… (Ignoring the facts… rather than just not knowing them)… men are failing miserably at understanding, and so communicating to their wives exactly what this means.

This is an admonition to men to stand up and step out into the role the Lord has ordained you for.

For women, they are to read this with encouragement and relief that they are not alone… that they are protected… that they are loved.

Bear with me.  But please, hear this.  I had to digest this and I have to live it.  But I encourage all of my brothers in Christ to do the same.

Hypotassō: to arrange under, to subordinate, to put under, to be subject to

These verses are not ones of authority alone… that the women would be reigned over by their husbands… but rather of position, responsibility, and alignment. 

Insecure men will say, “Men are better, women are worse.”

Insecure women will say, “Women are better, men are worse.”

Both will say, “What makes them think they can…” or “I can do just as good a job as…”

But those who are secure in the Lord will say, “What will You have me do Lord?”

The Scriptures are clear.  And I will only focus on what they mean to men.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Alone in Christ

You can be alone in Christ
And in Christ alone abide
But all alone you'll never be
When Christ is by your side


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Resentment: Dethroning Jesus

Sometimes I “sugar-coat.”  Other times… not so much. 

Today is a “not so much” day.

Resentment is a choice.  It hurts no one more than it hurts us.  And when we resent someone we usurp Christ.  We attempt to dethrone Him and reign in His place as Judge.


re- : again

sent :  to cause to be carried to a destination; especially : to consign to death or a place of punishment

-ment : action : process <development> b : place of a (specified) action

When we choose to continue in resentment we are not just holding on to something, we are doing something.

We are choosing to again act to consign to death or a place of punishment. 

Resentment then is to say, “once was not enough”… “I will execute a sentence of death and punishment again.”

First of all… you have not right, for Jesus alone will judge.

Second… you forget that the place of a specified action included you.

When we resent someone we are actually returning to that place over, and over, and over again.

And it is a place of pain.  It is a place where we were hurt.  Or where we hurt someone.

The only way out of resentment is to forgive.

Forgive : to go back to before

When we go back to before that place, we can move forward in love. 

Resentment prevents moving forward because it just keeps us in an endless loop.  It is like a re-run of a really horrible episode of a terrible sitcom that is playing 24-7 and we are sitting there with the remote, but not changing the channel.

When we believe… we act according to our confession. 

Rather than trying to take the throne of Christ and acting as though we can consign people to death or a place of punishment (resentment), why don’t we forgive and act as though Jesus is Lord and has died for sinners, of whom (insert your name here) am chief!

Choose “betterness” over “bitterness.”


That we would cease to go back to those places of pain over and over again…  That we would cease to consign ourselves and others to a sentence of death and place of punishment…  That we would forgive and be free from all of this… so that we can move forward with You.

In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Doubting your faith?

There have been times when I have been asked if I ever doubt or question my faith?  Or God?  Or my salvation? 

Doubt is a state of immobility.  The best way out of it is to move. 

One of the strongest arguments I see for God is the fact that people doubt Him. 


Monday, February 14, 2011

Struggling with your faith?

But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]:” Hebrews 11:6a

I have seen some amazing things…. 

A fish come back to life after praying over the tank.
Arms grow on at least five occasions… with one arm growing close to three inches.
Legs grow twice.
Pain leave ankles, shoulders, backs, heads…
Fevers break and throats healed…

All through prayer, Praise God!

Oh the things I have seen God do!!!  And when I do my faith soars!

And yet I see…

Prayers go unanswered.
The heavens shut…
People die…
Pain persist…
Tumors grow…

What then?  What of my faith in these times?  What of the days when I can’t make sense of it all?  Of the days when I am sitting in the pit… dark… cold… wondering if anyone even knows if I am there, or if I have been a fool all along for believing such things?

Ever have those days?

What of those days?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Talk about a turn around!

We often find it hard to restore fellowship with brothers in Christ with whom we have had disagreement.  We have disputing and murmurings.  We draw lines and part ways.  We try to justify our position and we, with all holy intention (really?) set our hearts to pray for our misled brethren. 

After all… what they did is really too hard to get over.

Or is it?

Can we experience unity in Christ once again?  Can we get past the past and look to the hope of glory?  Can we really forgive and be restored as one body in Christ?

Let’s ask Philip.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Don't just remove the icon: Dealing with addiction and habitual sin

            I had what can easily be classified as an addiction when it came to computer solitaire.  It started like most addictions do, I just gave it a try.  But it was so easy to do.  I mean a double click and the deck would be re-dealt.  I even had a shortcut to the game on my desktop.  The bliss!  Or maybe not.  I don't know, maybe I'm the only one.

            But then one day as I sat down at my desk I looked over at the computer and thought, "Let me check my e-mail."  But then I saw the shortcut to the game.  That little deck-of-cards icon, sitting there, wooing me.  And then I realized what I had to do.  So I clicked on the icon and I deleted it.  No more solitaire for me.  But you know what, I had done that before.  It didn't prevent me from making another shortcut and starting the cycle all over again.  No, more had to be done.  So before I could change my mind I clicked on "My Computer"  and went to the source file and...  yes... deleted it.  And it felt good.

            We all have little icons in our lives, little shortcuts on our desk tops, that we need to get rid of.  We know what they are.  We have tried to get rid of them before.  But we just removed the icon, we didn't delete the source file. Maybe we did it to get other people off our backs.  Maybe we hoped that it would be enough.  Whatever the reason, we didn't have the strength to do the job completely. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dealing with change?

How are you doing today?  Do you have a lot going on? Are you feeling the weight of some burden of change?  Are you going into your day concerned for the new things that are happening?  Are you a little uncertain… a little worried about what people think… what they might expect of you… what decisions you might face?

Are you juggling between wanting to be with your friends… and not wanting to do what they are doing?

Are you feeling a little guilty about which one is going to win?


Thursday, February 10, 2011

The old D.I.S.H network

This just in…

Not at all new to the entertainment world, the old D.I.S.H. network leverages the earliest of social media platforms… word of mouth… and moves faster than any connection available.  In fact, it also makes use of every form of internet based social media, telecommunication, email systems, and hand held devices in order to deliver the fastest, falsest, often hurtful, and irrevocable information available.

That’s right the old…

Devil’s Information Super Highway…

also known affectionately as D.I.S.H. (with the periods between letters as to not intrude on any service provider’s position)… 

remains the operating system of choice for propagating disunity within the body of Christ, AND continues to hold the number one positions for both “least talked about addiction” and “most accepted among small groups” according to the fictitious Christian polling company Holy Vice.

- The Appropriated Press

It is true.  The enemy loves gossip.  More harm is done by this abuse of the tongue than most would care to admit.  But the bible is very clear on it.

We are not to do it.

For I fear, lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and [that] I shall be found unto you such as ye would not: lest [there be] debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, backbitings, whisperings, swellings, tumults:” 2 Corinthians 12:20 bold mine

I read the KJV first, and so the word “gossip” does not appear… however, later versions translate the word whisperings into gossip.

And it is just as much a problem in the body of Christ now as it was when Paul was penning his epistles.

Recently we instituted a “Code of Conduct for Fellowship” in our home.  Brothers and sisters in Christ who come to visit with us have to read it and then, sign a book below it showing they will abide by the code.

When our son and daughter-in-law were over for dinner we were talking about the code.  Our son made an awesome comment that stirred this post being written. (I just came up with the acronym but the highway metaphor was his.)  When we think of any kind of talk that we partake in that is not in line with the Word of God and does not speak life or edify as being part of the devil’s information super highway, we have to ask ourselves…

Do I want to drive down that road?

As soon as you see any indication that the conversation is going that way… EXIT!!!!  Even if there isn’t an exit available… go off-road and worry about fixing the rims later.


But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” Matthew 12:36-37

This is serious stuff.  We need to take it to heart.

For your enjoyment (please note the sarcasm) here is the code:

Code of Conduct
for Fellowship

A Contract for Unity

We desire unity within the Body of Christ.  Our home is open for all those for whom Christ took the cross. 

According to the gospel of Jesus Christ, being in subjection unto the Holy Spirit, having received grace immeasurable from Our Father, and joining in agreement with Our Savior’s prayer that “we would be one”  we agree to abide by the following Contract for Unity:

The Contract:

While a guest or resident of this home we will not gossip, slander, condemn, judge, speak evil of, or start rumors about anyone for whom Christ took the cross. 

We will bless, speak life, honor, respect, comfort, and encourage our brethren in Christ.

Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings,  1 Pet 2:1

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.”  Eph 4:29 -32

Remind the people… To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, [but] gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men.  Titus 3:1-2

Speak not evil one of another, brethren.”  James 4:11                                                         


Speak life my brothers.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day laborers needed

For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man [that is] an householder, which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard. And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard.  Matthew 20:1-2

In the kingdom of God… in the field that He owns… we are all called to be day laborers.  Too often we think too much of ourselves.  We think that we have achieved or arrived.  I know that I do.  I get to thinking that I am doing a good job.  Right about then He is gracious to remind me Who is really doing anything.

It is humbling.  I get prideful… puffed up.  I sound arrogant… mainly because I am.  I mistake the boldness I can enjoy in Christ for a few extra reps on the bench.  My strength is my weakness.  And my weakness… my strength.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Irresistible… unfortunately: The battle for sexual purity

Jesus said that if our eye offends us we should pluck it out.  I don’t a single man who would have at least one eye gone… if not both… over the course of their lives.

If we are honest with ourselves… there was a point (or still is) in our lives where we didn’t want to look at something… but found it irresistible.  We gave in and let the enemy make his pitch.  We listened to the lie, “You can look as long as you don’t touch.”

And it is a lie. 

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Matt 5:28

The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when [thine eye] is evil, thy body also [is] full of darkness.” Luke 11:34

What we look at has more of an effect on us than we want to admit.  For if we admit it… we need to change it.  We need to repent.  We need to be transformed.

That is all well and good… but how?

Monday, February 7, 2011

A little help here, Simon

            Have you ever wondered why Simon was pulled from the crowd and told to carry the cross of Christ?  Well I'm not really sure.  Maybe he was strong.  Maybe he had a look of compassion on his face that told the Roman soldiers he would be willing to help.  Or maybe, just maybe (well of course, definitely) it was a divinely orchestrated event.  One that teaches us a wonderful truth about the Father's compassion, mercy and determination.

            God will always provide a way for us to have help.  When we feel weak and unable to go on, He can provide someone to help us carry our cross.  Just as the Father had Simon called from the crowd to help His Son, He will call someone from the crowd, maybe someone we've never met, to help us.  And we need not be ashamed. Christ's sacrifice on Calvary was not tarnished by the fact that He hadn't actually carried the cross the entire way Himself.  And neither will ours be.  Our lives in Christ are a relationship, a journey.  They are a process of growth.   He knows we are not perfect.  Sometimes He lets us see that.  Sometimes we will reach a point of exhaustion.  And it is then that He will provide for the burden to be lightened so we can continue to walk.  And that leads into the second point...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sidewalk Sermon

I was glad my daughter couldn't read yet.  I was even more glad that she didn't see it and ask me what it said.  Though I could have gotten away with a vague answer.  We just continued down the sidewalk.  But then I began to think about it.  And I thought it might make some sense to her.

 "Hey Rach."  I stopped and stooped down.  "Do you know what I saw on the sidewalk back there?"

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sharpen your sword for battle

Two soldiers go to battle.  Back in the day when swords were the weapon of choice.  One has sharpened his sword daily, always anticipating the day when he would be called to battle.  The other has not done the same and his sword bears the nicks and dents of domestic disputes among the peasants.  Nothing serious, a horse was stolen, some bread was taken.  Mostly he had just swung his sword at solid rock or pillars for the effect.  But the other soldier, he has sheathed his sword more than drawn it.  He was waiting for this day. 

On the field of battle the first soldier finds himself delivering fast, fatal blows to the enemy.  He can move quickly through the ranks as the blade's razor edge cuts a path for him.  Others see how quickly their comrades fall to his blade and avoid it.  His preparation has both prepared him to fight and preserved him in battle.

The other soldier is less fortunate.  Even when his blade strikes the enemy… it only wounds.  Often it doesn't even pierce the weakest of armor.  The result, he tires quickly.  Soon he cannot swing the sword as fast.  He waits for defeat.  The enemies around him can see his weakness and flock to it.  Ganging up on him, enjoying it.  He has fought valiantly but to no avail.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Giver of good gifts

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?  Matthew 7:11

Our Father in heaven desires to give.  He is a giving Father.  He gave His Son. 

But what is a good gift?

When my daughter and my grandson we younger they did not discriminate when it came to gifts.  They would take anything you gave them… even if they had no idea what it was.  And they always seemed so happy to get them.

Seeing the happiness and the smiles made it easy to not only want to give to them, but to actually go over board in doing it.

And that is how I learned what a good gift was.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Who are the elect?

We don’t often fight over truth.  We fight over miscontruth. 

Miscontruth happens when words are misconstrued. 

Construe: to analyze the arrangement and connection of words; to construct (to build):

Mis- : badly

Miscontruth: a bad analysis of, or a badly analyzed- arrangement and connection of words

Anything we build on a foundation other than the gospel of Jesus Christ…

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I can't help but be perplexed at the amount of indifference we tolerate within the body of Christ.

People think that the opposite of love is hate.  But they are wrong.  Love and hate both act on themselves. 

If I love then I must...
     be patient
     be kind
     throw out the (keep no) record of wrongs...

If I hate then I must...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Becoming familiar...

I received a word from a brother in Christ that the Lord is looking for a people who will become "familiar with the unfamiliar."  It came during a divine appointment that brought our two families together in prayer... a time when the Spirit answered very clearly the request, "Come Holy Spirit."

So what does it mean?  Before we jump to the "obvious", as I initially did... I want us to look at the following:

Familiar - "well known; on a family footing, comfortable"
Unfamiliar - "not well known, outside the family, uncomfortable"

If there is a family that is more diverse, more unlikely, more dysfunctional, and more apt to fight than the Family of God - the Church... I have not seen it.