Friday, February 25, 2011

Beneath His wings...

            There are a lot of pictures we paint of our Lord.  We have images in our heads of Him on the cross, or preaching from a boat, or rising up through the clouds.  But how often do we think of Jesus as a chicken.  Not a chicken in the sense of being a wimp or afraid, but that of a hen with her chicks.  Well this picture of Jesus comes right from Him.  In Matthew 23:37 Jesus uses this very image when he tells the Jews that so many times He had wanted to gather them up like a hen does her chicks but they wouldn't come.

            Trying to picture Jesus as a chicken walking around the coop might seem a little comical.  His head jerking back and forth, clucking His heart out.  But please bear with me on this one.  Try to imagine a cold morning in the coop.  The morning mist is still on the grass and in the corner of the coop there sits a hen.  She isn't moving, just letting her own body heat warm her eggs.  Then one by one the eggs begin to hatch.  Out of the shells come brand new creatures.  And when those new creatures go out and run around the yard, and find that it is all too much for them to take in, that the world is just too big for them to conquer in one day, they run back to that place they know.  That place of warmth and peace and protection.  That shelter from the storm.

            So many truths about Christ can be seen in this picture.  We are those eggs, created by Him.  But created for a greater purpose.  We were never meant to remain eggs.  And only by the warmth of His being close to us can we come out of our shells and become new creatures.  The world can be a cold place, a threatening, frightening place.  Many of us would be satisfied to remain in our shells where we feel protected.  But if we do not emerge from those shells we can never take part in the further promises that He has made.  To feel His love right upon us and not through a shell is that much greater.  To run in the yard knowing that we can find our refuge under His wing.  To find that peace and protection.  To take full advantage of the gifts He has waiting.  To look back at the shell we came from and joyful watch as it is thrown to the swine, knowing He has made us new.

            If you are still in your shell, afraid to come out, or trying desperately to come out but unable to break through, allow Him to draw close to you.  The warmth of His love and His sacrifice is the only thing that can make you emerge a new creature.  And don't get discouraged if it seems to take too long.  Eggs take some time to incubate, so might you.  Just know that He will warm you...  if you let Him.


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