Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I can't help but be perplexed at the amount of indifference we tolerate within the body of Christ.

People think that the opposite of love is hate.  But they are wrong.  Love and hate both act on themselves. 

If I love then I must...
     be patient
     be kind
     throw out the (keep no) record of wrongs...

If I hate then I must...

     go against what God goes against
     fight the enemy (the devil)

Both of these words, both of these states are active states.  Therefore, they can not be complete opposites.

But indifference... that is inactive.

The opposite of love is indifference.  Love can't help but do.  Indifference does nothing.  Love and hate both express emotion.  Indifference just doesn't care.

When we stand within the walls of our meeting halls, worship centers, church buildings, etc... and we do not go out and do something to show Christ to the world... we are being indifferent.  We are not being like Jesus Christ and the Father who loved the world.

Do you know why they often call them pews?  Because if we sit stagnant too long in them we begin to stink!

As men of God... as followers of Jesus Christ... as blood bought believers... if we are to be effective, if we are to meet an expected end...

...we must shed all indifference and go make one!  Make a difference in the lives of those for whom Christ gave His!

And may the Spirit of Lord go before and be on you as you do!

In Jesus' name! 



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