Monday, February 21, 2011

I feel sick…

How often do we find ourselves returning to our vomit?  Excuse the somewhat uncomfortable metaphor, but isn’t that how the scriptures describe it?  We, like dogs, when we are hungry, do not go after the things of the Spirit… the Bread of Life… the Well that never runs dry…

We go back to what will give us no nutritional value… won’t taste the same as when we first ate it… and… to boot… looks so disgusting that it should make us sick to even look at it!

We return to our own vomit.  We actively look for that which we have violently expelled from our lives.

“It used to work when I…”

“We used to have so much fun when we…”

“I wonder what so-and-so is doing…”

“One (insert vice here) won’t hurt…”

“I’m just looking…”

STOP!!!  When you feel yourself turning toward anything you know would not honor God… fall on your face!  It is better to lay humbly, broken before a Holy God than to even catch a glimpse of… whatever!   Remember Lot’s wife.

We are men of the Book – or at least we should be – whose names have been written in the Book of Life through the blood of Christ Jesus.  We have tasted and seen that the Lord is good.  We have turned from our wicked ways… we have repented… we hunger for the Lord.  And then…

Yep… we say, “Oh… something smells good.”  Hello.  It ain’t.  That is the heat of the Son burning up the work of the devil, not cooking you a meal.

You can’t move forward holding too tightly to the past.  You can’t head North on a road that goes South.  Put off the old man”.

The devil lurks around like a lion seeking to devour us.  He is waiting for an opportune time.  He wants to make us ineffective for Jesus.  He is going down… and he is wants to do as much damage as he possibly can.  And what better way than to try and stop those through whom the Lord seeks to reach the lost!

Band together beneath the Blood of the Lamb, as brothers… Blood Brothers.

I pray that we all expel from our lives everything that would dishonor God and I pray that the emptiness we feel would create a mighty hunger for the love and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in our lives.


But do not return.

Instead… be filled with the Holy Spirit.


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