Friday, February 4, 2011

Giver of good gifts

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?  Matthew 7:11

Our Father in heaven desires to give.  He is a giving Father.  He gave His Son. 

But what is a good gift?

When my daughter and my grandson we younger they did not discriminate when it came to gifts.  They would take anything you gave them… even if they had no idea what it was.  And they always seemed so happy to get them.

Seeing the happiness and the smiles made it easy to not only want to give to them, but to actually go over board in doing it.

And that is how I learned what a good gift was.

You see… the good gifts were the ones that they used… the ones that they wore out… the ones that didn’t wind up on the bottom of the toy chest or in the back of the closet.  The good gifts were the ones that they could always find, because they didn’t want to lose them.  They were the ones that they looked for… the ones that they would show people… “Look what I have!”

These are the ones that you would continue to give them, year after year.  They were the ones you would replace if they broke or got lost.

Why?  Because you knew they would get used.

You could always get my daughter a book.  For my grandson you would never go wrong with a basketball or a video game.  You would get your money’s worth on all of them.

And so our Father is the same.  He knows what a good gift is.  He will shower us with so many gifts.  But the ones He will continue to give us… the ones that He will replace… or upgrade… the ones He desires to give us… are the ones He sees us using.

Don’t hide what the Lord gives you.  Show it to others.  Use it up… wear it out… give the Father His money’s worth.  He paid a high price to get them for you.

He gave His life.


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