Monday, December 19, 2011

Addictions - coming into a new bond: Ezekiel 20:37

If you have ever had an addiction… whether to cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, pornography, gambling, etc… you know how consuming it can be on your life. 

You know how controlled by it you become.

You know how you begin to make excuses for it… to justify it… when you come to the conclusion that you can’t control it… when you realize, even privately, that it controls you.
It is a terrible place to be in.  It is a painful place.  You begin to feel terrible.
Ironically, the only thing that eases the pain is that which causes the pain. 
You become a slave to your sin (that which dishonors God). 
But there is hope… you don’t need to stop being addicted… you just need to change your addiction…

To become addicted: “to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively

How much of your addiction is habit?  How much of your life have you surrendered to it? How much of yourself, your time, your money have you devoted to it… to keep it alive?
“I need a… (you fill in the blank)”
“I can’t go without…”
“It won’t hurt if…”
“Everyone else is…”
The answer… become addicted to God… addicted to His Word… addicted to the Love of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Surrender yourself… devote yourself… obsessively… to Him!!!
Make Him a habit… not in a religious way… but in a deliberate way.
Be determined to grab a hold of the freedom and new life Him promised you.
Be as determined as Jacob who wrestled all night with the Lord and would not let go until he was blessed.
If you want to break an ungodly addiction… and ungodly bond… if you no longer want to agree with the enemy that you are a slave to sin…
Grab a hold of the Rod!  Pass under the Blood of the Lamb to be covered by it…
And I will cause you to pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant:”  Ezekiel 20:37
And become a servant of the Lord…
Addicted to Him!
Then He will be the only thing that satisfies you… You will not be able to go a day without Him… He will consume your thoughts, your time, your resources… your very being.
In the kingdom of God, we are victorious in Him when we surrender to Him.
Get out your white flag… and wash it in the Blood.
Who the Son sets free is free indeed!”


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