Monday, December 12, 2011

Healing all that were oppressed fo thed devil - Acts 10:38

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.” Acts 10:38
No one who has accepted Christ can be possessed of the devil.  For where light is, there no darkness can be.
But the devil can talk to us… as he did Christ in the desert.  The question is… will we listen?
I want to take a moment to talk about the differences between depression, possession, and oppression.  It is important to find the empowering position we have in Christ in order to free ourselves and others from the work of the enemy.
The devil is a subtle, crafty, lying thief.  He seeks only to steal, kill, and destroy.  When he sees a blood bought believer in Jesus who has not been trained in spiritual warfare he comes at them subtly.  He wants to have the conversation.  The conversation that makes you think just a little bit differently and so causes you to lose sight of who you are in Christ.
It happened to me for years.
The world would say I was depressed.  Thoughts of self-hatred and suicide.  Feelings of condemnation.  I kept it in.  I knew it was spiritual. I knew it was not possession.  I knew that it was oppression. 
Then why did it go on for so long?
Because I didn’t realize that it was a conversation.
The devil had a conversation with Eve.  She was deceived.
The devil had a conversation with Christ.  He was not.
As those bought by the blood of the Lamb… as those who have been redeemed… as those who are joint-heirs with Christ… we are more than conquerors.
When the devil comes with that subtle whisper… “You’re not good enough…”  “You’re better off dead…”  “She’ll never love you…”  “One won’t hurt…”  “I can look, but just no touch…”
Don’t listen.  Exit the conversation.  The enemy entertains us with thoughts. 
We can, through Christ, bring “into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5)
Believers are oppressed of the enemy by… are you ready for this?... ignorance.
Sound harsh?   Sorry.  But it is true.  I can testify as one who was ignorant.  And ignorance is not lack of knowledge of but rather ignoring the fact of.  We think that we can’t be oppressed of the devil.  We think we are too holy.  But that is just what the enemy wants us to believe.
The enemy always looks for an opportune time. (Luke 4:13 NKJV)
I am no doctor.  But I will say this.  If you have “symptoms” of depression (as the world describes it) it may just be spiritual oppression.  It might be that the enemy is having a conversation with you, and you are choosing to continue it.
Like I did.
I came to Christ… and still fought with self-hatred.  It was as though I was two people.  I would constantly have thoughts of suicide.  And I would cling to the fact that Christ died for me, therefore, to Him… I was worth dying for.  It was where I got all of my worth.
And then, one day… when I felt like I couldn’t take it anymore and I cried out to Him… He simply said, “Stop listening.”  At first I didn’t know to what, but then it hit me (Praise God!).
Stop listening to the lies.  Stop listening to anything that is contrary to the thoughts of God toward us… “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” Jer 29:11
If it is a thought of self-hatred, or to harm yourself… it is not from God.  In fact, it never crosses His mind.  His thoughts are of peace AND NOT TO HARM YOU.
Stop listening to the enemy.
When you look down on yourself, you exalt yourself.  Did you catch that?  Looking down on yourself puts you above yourself.  It puts your higher… not Christ.
I can hear Him say it… when you look down on yourself… “What are you looking at?... Look Up!”  And then, as He always does… He is “the glory and the lifter of our heads.” (Psalm 3:3)
He picks our chin up.
If you have ever dealt with any feeling of self-hatred, or thoughts of suicide or doing harm to yourself… if you have ever thought that you are unlovable or that no one loves you…
I am praying for you.  Jesus loves you.  You were worth dying for.  The God of heaven, the Father of us all loved you so much that He gave His only Son for you.
He died that we may have life.
Don’t listen to the lies.  Come to the Truth.
That all those who are oppressed of the devil, all those who are caught up in the conversation, all those whose thoughts of themselves do not line up with Your thoughts toward them… that they, through the Blood of the Lamb, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ… might be delivered and healed at the very reading of these words and that they would know that You are with them.
In Jesus’ Name.  Amen

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