Saturday, December 24, 2011

What do you think it means to be anointed?

I have heard people say “He is an anointed preacher!” or “that man has an anointing on him!” when they are telling me about their pastor, or about an evangelist.
And it got me to thinking… what is it to be “anointed” or to have “an anointing?”
I believe that the Word of God places a measure of responsibility and accountability on believers.
And particularly, I believe that about “anointing.”
While to be anointed can mean to have oil rubbed on you as in when we “anoint the sick with oil,” and it can also mean to be given power and be consecrated, I believe that there is a very practical definition of what it means that applies to anyone who seeks to live as a Christian.
An "anointing" is like the spot light that shines on the man who stands in front of the curtain at the theatre.
He isn't the one the audience came to see... but he has their attention... so he introduces the One they need to see.
We are called to be lights.  God shines His light upon those who will recognize that they have the attention of others, and use it to introduce Jesus to them.
We choose to step into the spot light and it stays on us as long as we use it in that way!
And often all it takes to step into the spot light is to not follow the crowd.  Standing alone can often draw all the attention you need.
So pray that God anoints you!  That He gives you more opportunities to introduce Him.
Being in the light is always better than being in the dark.


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