Friday, December 2, 2011

Numbers 17:1-10

            In Numbers 17: 1-10 we read how God told Moses to take a rod for each house of Israel and to lay them in the tabernacle.  The next day Moses was to go into the tabernacle and take the rods out.  The rod that had budded was the rod of the person whom God had chosen.  Well Aaron's rod budded, brought forth flowers and almonds.  Nice story don't you think.  "That's just a story."  "That didn't really happen." (straightway denied)  "Well that was just a story to teach us a lesson about God.  It doesn't matter if it happened or not.  That's not the point." (I want to believe that but I'm smarter than that.  I not a child anymore you know.)  "Holy ___! that really happened.  Cool.  God did that." (The blank is "cow". I can't believe where some of your minds are!)
            It happened, and yes we do learn something about God from it.  God brings new life to dead things.  Yes, we learn something of redemption here. 
            Dead in our sins but alive in Christ.  Yes, we learn something of eternal life here.  Dead on earth but alive in heaven.  But what else.
            How about your spiritual life now?  Is it seemingly dead?  Are you like Aaron's' rod, cut off from the rest of the tree, not being watered, not planted?  How about your job, or your marriage or you relationship with your loved ones.  Does it seem like a lifeless rod?  Well then, put it in the tabernacle!  Put into the Lord's hands and let it rest with Him.  Completely.  When Moses put the rods into the tabernacle he left them there and, I don't know, went to bed, hung out with the guys, whatever.  The point is he wasn't peeking in the door to the tent saying," Hey God what are you doing?  Do you need any help?  Pick the one on the right."  And we have to do the same thing.  Give whatever it is to Him and butt out of His business.  And guess what, He will bring life to that "rod" and it will bring forth fruit and no one will be able to deny it.  And you will see the power of His love.  And what He does will be greater than you could have ever accomplished. ** Now I'm not saying that you go back the next day.  Sure it could happen like that.  But if you are expecting it to then you haven't really left it in the tabernacle.  Part of leaving it to God is to leave the completion date to Him as well.  He doesn't fill out a "Will be done by..." form.  When He is done He gives it back to you.  Be ready to say, "Thank you."  And if you throw everything in there at once, great, but realize that just as God choose Aaron's rod out of the twelve in the tent, He might choose a rod that you didn't expect.  So you can't put the rods in the tent with numbers on them saying, "Lord if you could, in this order please."  Again, if this is the case then you haven't really left the rods in the tent, have you?

** Please note that I am aware that what we can do by ourselves is, well, zilch.  We do nothing apart from Him.


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