“And they ministered before the dwelling place of the tabernacle of the congregation with singing, until Solomon had built the house of the LORD in Jerusalem: and [then] they waited on their office according to their order.” 1 Chron 6:32 bold mine
We looked at this verse yesterday and spoke about the first ministry being that of singing. We talked about how singing gets us where we need to be so we can get to where He wants us.
The second bold phrase should convict us regarding how we strive so hard to get to a certain rank or position within the body of Christ…
“and [then] they waited
… kept pace with… not sat still… remember, they were singing… they were meeting a need. Continue to find a need and meet a need… one by one… regardless as to whether or not you have “received a call” or figured out where you think you fit in the Body. Keep singing… keep ministering… keep meeting needs.
…on their office…
God has something for all of us. When you read office think work, labor, or responsibility. The “office of Bishop” has specific requirements… but their office had only one requirement…
according to their order.”
You see… this is not about rank or position… this order has to do with a request, like when you order a meal.
You CAN ask the Lord to put you in a very specific place, doing a very specific thing… that’s your order, your request.
Others might not agree with me, but I am looking at the word of God here and it tells me that I can say, “Lord, can I do such and such?”
It will come. I will have to wait. And while I wait…
I need to keep ministering… keep meeting needs… keep singing!
Do re me fa so la ti do
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