Friday, January 14, 2011

Battery powered

            I got this new timer.  The box said "battery included".  So I hit the "on" button figuring that the LED would light up and I could set the timer.  But it didn't.  No matter how many times I hit it.  (Yes I did hit it more than once.  I know, I know, there was no logical reason.)  So I looked in the box, figuring the battery was not installed.  But there was no battery in the box.  So I opened up the back of the timer.  And there it was.  In the right place.  But there was this little piece of tape covering the edge of the battery.  It was put there to keep the battery from running out.  So I removed it and, viola, the timer came on. 

            It was all in the connection.  Without the connection there was no power.

            We, too, need to be connected to get power.  To the Father that is.  And how do we do that?  Through the Son.  Jesus said that He and the Father were one.  That He was our intercessor to the Father.  That because of Him the Father would send the Holy Spirit and Jesus would baptize us with it.  But all this power, all this love, all this forgiveness, all of this cannot show through us if we are not connected.  We may be very close.  We may be just like that battery.  In the right place, fitting perfectly, but with a small strip of tape keeping us from being connected and feeling that power.

            If you are having a hard time forgiving, or loving, or walking with Him...  If you are carrying past hurts, past losses or disappointments... If you are slowing spiritually, struggling with your faith or feeling lonely... find out what that tape is and work at removing it.  When that connection is made, the power will be incredible.  It will strengthen you.  It will give you the power to love, to forgive.  It will heal you.  It will give you the strength to carry on through difficult times.  It will give you peace beyond all understanding.  It will revive the fire in you, that thirst for the Spirit, that longing for His love.  That desire to pass it on.  When that connection is made, all heaven will break loose.  And you will feel the power.


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