Monday, January 10, 2011

Living in the FOG: The Fullness of God

“And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.” Eph 3:19

How could we contemplate the Fullness of God?  It is beyond our understanding… it “passeth” it. 

The word used in the Greek for “fulness” in the above verse is sometimes used to describe being “filled with the presence, power, agency, riches of God and of Christ.”

Therefore the Fullness of God does not describe so much what fills God but rather what God uses to fill, or chooses to fill us with!

His fullness then is not a state of “being full” but of one that is truly “continually being filled!”

God is infinite.   We are finite. 

But in Christ we can be filled, continually… repeatedly.  Why, because we are not all sufficient; He is. 

We run out. But He runs over. 

And so walking in the Fullness of God is to be continually partaking in the presence and essence of the Father.  And that essence, revealed to us through His Holy Spirit is Love, for “God is love.” And it is power; the power of the Holy Spirit.  And it is sound mind. 

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”  2Ti 1:7

And as we walk in this Fullness we begin to act as agents for the Lord Who fills us.  We act on His behalf. 

Go, live in the Fullness of God, the Lord Who loves you and desires that you move in His power and authority.  One Who desires that we act on His behalf to heal the sick, and free those who are a slave to this world; showing them the true way of freedom in Christ.


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