Monday, January 3, 2011

Living in the FOG: Introduction to the series

Have you ever looked at someone and thought, “That guy is living in a fog.”? 

What does that picture look like to you?  What image do you get when you think of fog?  Do you immediately get a picture of London and cobblestone streets?  Or perhaps, you think of a field with a dense blanket of mist upon it.  Either way, when fog sets in we know that visibility is limited. There is an air of mystery, and element of uncertainty.

Could you imagine living in a constant fog? 

Well I want you to. 

I want you to live in not just any fog, but in the FOG.  This FOG is not one of uncertainty, or mystery.  This FOG is made up of truths such as the Freedom of Grace, the Fullness of Grace, and the Friendship of God.  We will explore these and other of the great riches we have in Christ as we walk through this series, look to the One who sees all, and allow His law, the law of Grace, to be a light unto our path.

I pray that the discussion we have be one that draws you nearer to Christ and into a more full realization of just how wonderful He is.

In uncertain, rough, troublesome, confusing times as those who have accepted Him we can find what we need, the confidence and security in knowing Him and understanding that He has a plan and a purpose for our lives.


Future posts that are a part of this series can be found under the topic heading, "The FOG". 

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