Thursday, January 20, 2011

Think about it...

            After the Lord sent them from the garden He returned again to the center where stood the two trees.  And He looked upon them.  The one tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, had they taken from, beguiled by the serpent.  That wicked, fallen angel.  But now, standing at the foot of these trees, the Lord declared, "From this tree my children have taken against my will.  But from the other tree, the tree of the knowledge of life and death, they will enjoy freely."  And with that He commanded his angels to cut the tree down, to fashion its trunk and its bows into two beams.  Then the Lord took the beams.  And reaching across time, He placed them in a carpenter’s shop against a wall.  And the beams were taken by the carpenter, by the order of a Roman guard, and they were fashioned into a cross.  And that cross was carried to a hill, by a condemned man.  And to those beams, to that cross, was this man nailed.  And the blood flowed over it.  And there, on that hill, once for all, was the Tree given.  And with it, the knowledge of life and death.  So that all who came to it, and accepted it, may enjoy life eternal.

Factual... maybe more just a story... maybe a parable.  But I think we get the picture.  Our redemption has always been His plan.  If not... would there have been the two trees?


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