Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Amazing sorrow...

Today is 3/16.  So I thought it appropriate to just remember the following truth:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  John 3:16

It is probably to most well known verse in the Bible.  We see it at sporting events, on bumper stickers, hats, and T-shirts. 

But maybe, just maybe… we have become too familiar with it. 

We can recite it on command.  But does it still break our heart?

Two of the most painful moments in my life were when I had to stand by and watch my son and my daughter endure physical pain. 

One when my daughter was just born and needed to get her shots in order to leave the hospital.  She was so helpless… so new… and then BAM… she was crying and in pain!  I had to scoop her up, as I stood there crying myself for her pain.

The other was when my son needed to get bone marrow drawn.  I had never seen a needle larger.  I can remember it like it was this morning.  As the needle went in and his face showed the pain he was in… I broke down.  I cried harder that he did.  I couldn’t take that feeling of helplessness.

And that was nothing like what Our Father in heaven felt when He had to watch Jesus go through the passion… the whipping… the fatigue… the nails… the spear…

We often focus on the “loved the world” and the “only begotten Son”… which, by the way, is incredible!  Jesus died on the cross for us, so that we would not perish, but that we would have ever lasting life.

Oh that love!  That amazing love!

But have you ever thought of the amazing sorrow?  The amazing sorrow that the Father must have felt to have to give His only Son for us?

People try to paint God as cruel because He killed His only Son.  But the Bible does not say the He killed Him, but that He gave Him. 

We killed Him.

Yes, the Father knew what we would do.

But He gave any way.

And, yes, Jesus knew what He was sent for.

But He came any way.

And because He came, and He died… we can live… everlasting life.

And thank God He did.


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