Thursday, March 17, 2011

Too much salt?

I never thought of God as a Baker before.  But I am realizing now, that in one of His roles… that is exactly what He does.

I used to think of Him just as a Potter.  Well… not just as a Potter… but when I consider that He is the Potter and we are the clay… the idea did of Him “working together all things for our good” fit well into that paradigm.

Then the Lord touched my heart and asked me, “What do you do when you add too much salt?”

Well, if you don’t want to waste what you have… you increase the rest of the ingredients until the recipe is just right.  If you added 1 teaspoon of salt when the recipe called for ¼ teaspoon… everything else needs to be increased to match…

And then, the hands of the Baker work it together for good.

And oh how good it tastes.

I your life seems to be unbalanced… if it seems that “too much salt”… too many hardships… too many hurts… too much pain… are mixed in… then Praise God for the increase that is coming.

He will bring the recipe of your life back to where it needs to be in order for it to be just right.

Only He knows the taste He is looking for from you.  Only He knows the texture that He desires from us. 

So don’t see your trials and troubles as something that God is doing to punish you… but rather seem them as the benchmark for increase.

Of course, I can’t miss this opportunity to mention that most of the recipes need to go into the oven before they can be edible. 

And so will we.

The heat brings things that are separate yet close to the point of being inseparable. 

We want to be inseparable from Him.


That you would show us those measures of “salt” in our lives… those areas where it seems we have too much of one thing… good or bad… where you want to add unto our lives and bless us with increase so that we can be hole… complete… just right… and place us in that oven so that we are formed together with You.



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