Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The first person perspective

I have been working so hard…
I did a great job and no one appreciated it…
I deserve more…
I am so good at what I do…
I am so close to God…
I am better than…
I want to…
I need…
I am…

The above list represents a few of my first person perspective statements.  A little self focused wouldn’t you say?  But we often find ourselves in this spot… thinking too much of ourselves.

And when I found myself ranting before the Lord with my list of “I” statements this is what He said to me…

“You have so many ‘I’s’ and yet you can’t see a thing.”

Ouch!  But I needed to hear it.  It is one of my biggest problems.  The first person perspective.  The feeling of entitlement.  PRIDE.

And we all know where that goes. 

But how do we get rid of it?  How do we stop saying “I” and focusing solely on ourselves and turn that outward?  Could it be that we need to see through His eyes?

Eyes can’t find a thing about that person that Christ didn’t die for.
Eyes can’t fathom the depth of His love and grace.
Eyes need more of Him.
Eyes see me when no one else would even look for me.
Eyes have not seen…

This may not be speaking to you.  Maybe you have it under control.  Maybe your first thought is always for others, and you never consider yourself.  Maybe.  But maybe there are times when you were like I am more often than I would like to admit…

… so many “I’s” and you can’t see a thing.

But don’t ever forget… He gives sight to the blind.


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