Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hot Buttons

As Christians we hurt each other more than the world could ever hurt us.  Like siblings in a big family we jockey for position, we put each other “in our places,” we accuse one another of having spirits contrary to Christ. 

Which may be…

…but we joy too much in bringing that truth to light… not to build up… but to put down. 

And what a difference that line makes.

We are never more hurt than when it comes from our brethren.  But we shouldn’t be surprised.  They know our strengths… they know our weaknesses… they know their own.

Those closest to us are the ones who can hurt us the most. 

We need to take responsibility for who we are to others.  Regardless of where we came from…
we need to let God take us to a new place.  No matter what others call us… we need to let Him dictate who we are.  Like Jabez…

His name literally means sorrow or will cause pain.

[H]is mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow.” (1 Chronicles 4:9)

Ever felt that way?  Did you ever get one of those generational curses spoken over you… “you’ve been trouble since the day you were born…,” “you’ll never amount to anything…,” “you’re just like your father…,” “you can’t help it…,”

Jabez’s mom felt so much sorrow when she bore him she just went ahead and let everybody know by naming him “will cause pain.” 

And names like that stick.

We wind up agreeing with them and the “self fulfilling prophesies” come true.

We say… “I didn’t have a chance…,” “This is the way men are..,” “I’m worthless…,” etc.

But what should we do?  What should our response be?

Let’s look at what Jabez did…

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!" So God granted him what he requested. 1 Chronicles 4:10

Jabez went before the Lord and ask for his weaknesses. 

His what?

His weaknesses.  You see, the end of Jabez’s prayer was that “I may not cause pain.”  That was like saying, “Don’t let me live up to my name” or “Keep me from becoming the person everybody says I will be.” 

And Jabez was smart.  He knew what would cause him to cause pain to others.

Harsh and negative words against him.  (To bless means to speak well of.)  His name was the first thing.  Whenever anyone greeted him he was reminded that he was the one who causes pain.  Who would want to hear that?  Have you ever had negative words spoken about you or over you?  Well, you are not alone.  Jabez knew that if he could not believe that the Lord was speaking well of him… he would not be able to get out from under the curse of his name and all the negative words spoken over him.

Feeling alone and out of control.  Jabez prayed that the Lord would enlarge his territory.  That He would give him room.  He didn’t want to be stuck in one small place.  And he didn’t want to be owned but to be an owner.  MY territory.  Jabez knew that if the Lord did not do the work… he would try to on his own… and that would cause pain.

Feeling away from God.  Jabez knew that, if he was not hear the Lord, he would hurt others.  Aren’t we all that way?

God granted him what he requested.


If we are to demonstrate unity and love within the Body of Christ we need to identify the areas of our weakness… our “hot buttons” that we know, if pushed, we would lash out and become that person we never want to be.

And we need to pray to the Lord to cool us off… to fill in where we are weak.

Go… provoke one another to love and good works!


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