Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Get to work…

Don’t you love it when the Lord just opens things up?!

He touched my heart one day and showed me that the difference between work and worship was who you were doing it for.

If you are doing it for anyone but God… it is work… no matter what it is you do.  It will take energy and produce only as much as you put into it.  It’s like the law of conservation of energy.  What comes out can not exceed what goes in.

But when you are doing it for God… no matter what it is… it is worship.  And then what comes from that doesn’t come out as much as it comes down from the throne room of grace and we are astounded by it.

So then, when it says in John 14:12 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father” what is it talking about?

Ergon.  That is the word in Greek.  And if you look up the definition you get the basic feeling of work as we know it.  But it isn’t about what we know…

…it’s about what He does.

Jesus did work.  He did ergon.  But when He walked among us in the flesh… that wasn’t the first time He “worked” in the earth…

And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.” Hebrew 4:4 emphasis mine

You see, when we think of biblical work we need to think ergon and when we think ergon we need to think:

demonstration of the power of God

And then it all makes sense.

Creation was the demonstration of the power of God.

Jesus’ ministry…

casting out demons, healing the sick, preaching the kingdom of God, giving sight to the blind, making the lame walk, opening the ears of the deaf, opening the grave of Lazarus!

… was the demonstration of the power of God.

And now because He went unto the Father which gave way to the promise that when He did… the Father would send the Comforter…

…we will see in our lives, as we walk, as we do what He did, a greater demonstration of the power of God!!!!!!!!!!

shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. James 2:18

Show me your faith without the demonstration of the power of God and I will show you my faith by the demonstration of the power of God!

Get to work!


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