Sunday, November 20, 2011

1 Peter 1:15-16 - Be ye holy

Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I [am] the LORD your God.” Leviticus 20:7
But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:15-16
You know, words have meaning.  All too often when we don't take the time to understand their meaning, and we rush over them, and miss their meaning... we can get ourselves in a bit of a quandary.
"Holy".  What do you think of when you hear the word?  How do you responds when you hear the command, "Be ye holy... as Your Father in heaven?"
People have said to me in the past that they can't believe the Bible because it tells them to be perfect and holy and everyone agrees that those are two impossible things... therefore, the bible isn't meant to be taken literally.  If we "try our best" and are "generally a good person" then we can expect to be afforded entrance in to heaven; that is, if there is one.
Hogwash.  (which, by the way, is another way of saying mire.  You know, the stuff the swine roll around in to cover themselves and keep themselves cool.  It's mud, but also more than mud.)
If the Word of God says that we are to "be holy" then we are.  So then what is the applicable definition of "holy..."
... "completely set apart."

When we first hear the command to "be holy" in Leviticus it follows "sanctify".  God tells them... "get cleaned up, and get out of the mud." Is God holy?  YES!!!  He is so Holy... so set apart from everything else, so set apart from sin, so set apart from suffering, none of it touches Him!!!  Does that mean He is distant?  No!!!
Holiness is not about being out of the world, it's about not being "of" it. 
When we are told to be holy we are being given the command to "set ourselves apart" from all that is not of the kingdom of heaven.  To a certain extent, for the Christian then, holiness is a choice.  It is a decision.  We are only righteous through Jesus Christ.  We are only redeemed by His blood and regenerated by His Spirit.  But when it comes to being "set apart" we must be disciplined!  God can call us, and He does... but He is too much of a gentleman to force us.  He gives us a light for our path and a lamp to our feet, but we must choose to walk the straight and narrow.  We must choose to stay "set apart". 
The world and ruler of it will do its best to pull us back in.. to make us "a part " rather and "apart" of the kingdom of darkness.
We must have none of it.
Has He given us a command that we cannot keep?  NO!  Absolutely not.  Will it be a challenge? Yes, and even more-so if we make the very ridiculous assumption that we can do it apart from Him.  But all things are possible through Christ Jesus!
Be ye holy.

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