If you are not familiar with the parable of the wise and foolish virgins you can read it in Matthew 25: 1-13.
I found three interesting points that I had not noticed before when I read through this today.
First in verses 3- 4:
“They that [were] foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.”
First… the foolish virgins took no oil with them. They thought that what was burning in their lamps at the time was enough.
Have you ever done that?... Acted as though the time that you had spent with the Lord would carry you through the dark night… so you failed to spend time with Him that day? Not good. It is supposed to be daily bread. People who speak about having the anointing will tell you that it is not something that always abides… it can wear off. You need to get more oil
And second in verse 5
“While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.”
All of the virgins… ALL… slumbered and slept. Life happens… we get tired. We can’t feel bad about it… we can’t beat ourselves up for it… but we can prepare for it.
And finally in verse 7
“Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.”
To trim is to top off. It was not that the lamps of the wise virgins had gone out… they were topping off their lamps because they never wanted to face a moment without the fire burning.
We need to be like the wise virgins. Spend enough time with Him, in His Word, to be filled always. So that when the dark night comes and we get tired… and believe me, we will… we will always have light. And at the first hint of darkness… top off… trim… your lamps.
Have it in your vessel. We are vessels. Refined by God. The wise virgins were filled with the Spirit. When you are filled… from being in His presence and taking Him in… you don’t need anyone else to give you what God has already.
The words of the wise to the foolish were to go to buy oil. They saw that these foolish virgins never filled the vessel… never were filled themselves. They only went about using what others had. They didn’t have a testimony of their own.
You can’t live vicariously as a Christian. You can’t live through anyone else’s experience, victory, anointing, etc…
To be a Christian is to have Christ live vicariously through you.
Be filled. Burn for Christ. Await His arrival.
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