Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What is the one thing you desire?

David, King of Israel, had figured out that it wasn’t winning battles… though he was undefeated as a King.
He figured out that it was building a temple… his son would do that.
He even figured out that it wasn’t to return to the fields where he spent the days of his youth to reminisce or rest.
After all that the Lord had given him, David desired one thing…
One [thing] have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple.”  Psalm 27:4
David wanted nothing more than to live a life of intimacy with the Lord.  He “got it” long before so many others.  He understood God’s love when others feared His judgment.  He knew grace when others were crying out for mercy.
But there was a reason.
What David desired… he sought after.
David is called “a man after God’s heart.”  David pursued God.  He sought after Him.  He was not happy with a distant relationship.  He went after God’s heart. 
David chased God down.  And the Lord, like many earthly fathers, was not running to get a way… He was moving to be pursued.  Always close enough to be seen.  Always allowing His children to believe that they were accomplishing something… that they were close… that one more step would do it.  And then… the Lord stood still and opened His arms…
Just as He did for us at Calvary.
And just as David ran in… so can we.
Be after God’s heart.
What you desire… seek after.
Put in the energy, the effort, the time.
Jesus is soooo worth it.


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