Saturday, November 12, 2011

Pleading the Blood of Jesus over us

As Christians we may be very familiar with the concept of pleading the blood of Jesus over a situation or a person.  We may have even prayed for ourselves to be “covered by the blood of Jesus.”
We know that the atoning blood of Jesus can “cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
The concept of the blood of a covenant is seen in Exodus 24:8 when “Moses took the blood, and sprinkled [it] on the people, and said, Behold the blood of the covenant.”
Jesus reinforces the blood covenant at the last Supper when “[he took] the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood.” 1 Corinthians 11:25
But do you know who the first group of people to plead the blood of Jesus, the blood of the new covenant, over themselves were?...
The Jews:
Then answered all the people, and said, His blood [be] on us, and on our children.” Matthew 27:25

I had never realized that this group was speaking prophetically.  That as the Sacrifice was offered up by Israel (because God would not accept a sacrifice by any other) they collectively pleaded the blood of that Sacrifice, the Lamb of God, over themselves and all of their descendants!
I bet they didn’t even realize it.  But God hears prayer… regardless of the context.
And since it was Passover, every tribe of Israel would have been represented there.  The crowd represented all of Israel.  And when Pilate decided to wash his hands of the blood of Jesus, the Jews – Israel – were ready to again be covered by the Passover Lamb so that their lives could be spared.
So Paul had perfect confidence when we said, “All of Israel shall be saved.” Roman 11:26
Let us not read the Word of God with any hatred toward God’s Chosen People.  Let us look for the exhortation, edification, and comfort we know it to demonstrate.

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