Sunday, October 2, 2011

Denominational bickering

I see denominations in Christianity as representing siblings in a family.  They all think they have it right.  They all think the other is wrong.  They’ll admit that they are family if they have to.  But they are all trying to prove who will get the biggest inheritance after their father passes away.
But think about it… we fail to realize…
Our Daddy is Alive!!!
He is risen.  He is never going to be apart from us.
We should stop all of the sibling rivalry and start acting like a family.
If we are going to begin moving in our inheritance, we have to have a certainty of who we actually are in Christ.
We have to love as He loves.
We have to get past all of the “who does what better” and “what rules need to be kept.”
We need to start living as Jesus LIVES!
All power and honor and glory to God.
The world we find the lost and lonely and sick and sell them snake oil just to keep them from seeking those of us who have the Truth.
So we must go out to the lost and lonely and sick… and show them Jesus!
As ONE.  As a family.  According to the prayer of Jesus in Gethsemane.


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