We eat big. Ask anyone who knows us. Even some that don’t. My wife knows how to put out an amazing meal and always pays attention to the little details.
You might say we are known for it. You might say it is our custom.
Custom and costume come from the same meaning. It is what people see. It is your character. It defines you.
What was Jesus’ custom?...
“And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.” Luke 4:16
“And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God”. Luke 6:12
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was defined to things to all those who saw Him.
He was in the Word and He prayed.
He prayed with such power that…
“And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.” Luke 11:1
They could have asked anything… and they asked to be taught to pray.
It resonated with them so much that these two things were their top priority…
“The apostles said, But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.” Acts 6:4
Prayer and the Word of God. They were Jesus’ priorities. They were the priorities of those closest to Him, who saw everything He did while He was hear.
Shouldn’t they be ours?
“For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.” 1 Tim 4:5